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Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge

door Richard Ovenden

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In Burning the Books, Richard Ovenden describes the deliberate destruction of knowledge held in libraries and archives from ancient Alexandria to contemporary Sarajevo, from smashed Assyrian tablets in Iraq to the destroyed immigration documents of the UK Windrush generation. He examines both the motivations for these acts and the broader themes that shape this history. He also looks at attempts to prevent and mitigate attacks on knowledge, exploring the efforts of librarians and archivists to preserve information, often risking their own lives in the process. More than simply repositories for knowledge, libraries and archives inspire and inform citizens. In preserving notions of statehood recorded in such historical documents as the Declaration of Independence, libraries support the state itself. By preserving records of citizenship and records of the rights of citizens as enshrined in legal documents such as the Magna Carta and the decisions of the US Supreme Court, they support the rule of law. In this book, Ovenden takes a polemical stance on the social and political importance of the conservation and protection of knowledge, challenging governments in particular, but also society as a whole, to improve public policy and funding for these essential institutions.… (meer)
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Engels (12)  Spaans (2)  Duits (1)  Alle talen (15)
1-5 van 15 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Excellent review of the history of libraries. I was amazed at how libraries have been deliberately destroyed, and there is no culture or political party that has not engaged in the destruction for its own purposes. It is an ugly facet of human nature. I had not fully appreciated the importance of books and libraries to our sense of national and ethic identity, I had only gotten a whiff of it through the cultural wars taking place now in our schools and public libraries. I am always relieved and impressed when my own quite political public library buys a book I suggest. ( )
  TheLibraryAnn | May 24, 2024 |
This book gives a history of libraries and archives that have been damaged or destroyed from ancient times to today. It is obviously not a complete history, but it tells the story of some of the most notable losses. It also reports on a couple of cases of personal papers or memoirs that were deliberately destroyed to prevent publication and/or protect reputations. Or in the case of governmental archives, to cover up the actions of colonial/government workers. The famous case of the Library of Alexandria is included. Although its destruction has variously been blamed on the Roman army, early Christians, and Muslims in the 7th century, Ovenden believes these are myths and that the library most likely disappeared due to slow decline, underfunding, and neglect.

A number of libraries were deliberately attacked and destroyed over the years, in attempts to suppress a religion or a specific culture. All the stories are heartbreaking to me, because of the loss of knowledge and history. And unfortunately it still continues today. Serbia's deliberate destruction of the National Library of Bosnia occurred only 30 years ago.

Ovenden also addresses the move to the digital world, and how much of current social discussion takes place online. He is greatly concerned about the loss of history for future research if what is online is not preserved. So much of it is currently under the control of a few large tech companies, whose purpose is to make money, not to preserve information for the future. Ovenden feels that libraries and archives need much better funding so that they can carry out the task of preserving this information for the future. At the end, he makes a plea to "the holders of power" to adequately fund libraries and archives.

I thought the book was interesting and very well written. Highly recommended. ( )
  atozgrl | Feb 8, 2024 |
The author of Book Burning does a great job of analyzing the intentional destruction of knowledge over the centuries and makes great arguments for the archiving and digital preservation of social media. Written by the principal librarian of Oxford University's the Bodleian libraries, Ovenden reflects on how libraries and archives reflect the culture, history and society that people live in and when knowledge is destroyed, with it goes the foundations of that society. ( )
  phoenixcomet | Dec 19, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book charting the history of libraries and archives, and going through some examples of libraries and archives and the knowledge held within them being threatened or destroyed. A fascinating book, and plenty of food for thought. ( )
  mari_reads | Oct 7, 2023 |
Ein grandioser Titel und die Lieblingsfarbe Orange auf Schwarz verwoben, mit Federkielen, die sich rundbiegen, auf die Erde drücken: diese Titelgestaltung hat mich bewogen, das Buch zu kaufen. Ein typisch bibliophiler Kauf.

Design also in der Bewertung: außerordentlich gelungen.

Der Inhalt ist für mich leider schwer lesbar, finde keinen Zugang.

20 Seiten Einleitung, ein sicheres Zeichen für eingeschränkte Lesbarkeit, über 100 Seiten Anhang, einige Beispiele. Nach einem Jahr bin ich immer noch nicht in diesem Buch angekommen, habe mir aber fest vorgenommen, Teile zu lesen.
  Clu98 | Jun 28, 2023 |
1-5 van 15 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Opening with the notorious bonfires of ‘un-German’ and Jewish literature in 1933 that offered such a clear signal of Nazi intentions, Burning the Books takes us on a 3000-year journey through the destruction of knowledge and the fight against all the odds to preserve it.

Richard Ovenden, director of the world-famous Bodleian Library, explains how attacks on libraries and archives have been a feature of history since ancient times but have increased in frequency and intensity during the modern era.

Libraries are far more than stores of literature, through preserving the legal documents such as Magna Carta and records of citizenship, they also support the rule of law and the rights of citizens.

Today, the knowledge they hold on behalf of society is under attack as never before.

In this fascinating book, he explores everything from what really happened to the Great Library of Alexandria to the Windrush papers, from Donald Trump’s deleting embarrassing tweets to John Murray’s burning of Byron’s memoirs in the name of censorship.

At once a powerful history of civilisation and a manifesto for the vital importance of physical libraries in our increasingly digital age, Burning the Books is also a very human story animated by an unlikely cast of adventurers, self-taught archaeologists, poets, freedom-fighters — and, of course, librarians and the heroic lengths they will go to preserve and rescue knowledge, ensuring that civilisation survives.

From the rediscovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the desert, hidden from the Romans and lost for almost 2000 years to the medieval manuscript that inspired William Morris, the knowledge of the past still has so many valuable lessons to teach us and we ignore it at our peril.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Richard Ovendenprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bischoff, UlrikeVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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In Burning the Books, Richard Ovenden describes the deliberate destruction of knowledge held in libraries and archives from ancient Alexandria to contemporary Sarajevo, from smashed Assyrian tablets in Iraq to the destroyed immigration documents of the UK Windrush generation. He examines both the motivations for these acts and the broader themes that shape this history. He also looks at attempts to prevent and mitigate attacks on knowledge, exploring the efforts of librarians and archivists to preserve information, often risking their own lives in the process. More than simply repositories for knowledge, libraries and archives inspire and inform citizens. In preserving notions of statehood recorded in such historical documents as the Declaration of Independence, libraries support the state itself. By preserving records of citizenship and records of the rights of citizens as enshrined in legal documents such as the Magna Carta and the decisions of the US Supreme Court, they support the rule of law. In this book, Ovenden takes a polemical stance on the social and political importance of the conservation and protection of knowledge, challenging governments in particular, but also society as a whole, to improve public policy and funding for these essential institutions.

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