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door Joseph Lewis

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912,041,512 (2.5)Geen
When betrayal is the name of the game, can anyone win? As the tyrannical, man-made religion of Aaron-Lem spreads across the world like wildfire, banished shapeshifter Meg Portia struggles to come to terms with the weakening of her own powers. Her shapeshifting powers were what made her unique and special. Without them…who is she? When the power-hungry leaders of the Aaron-Lem cult turn on each other, Meg's new home is caught in the crossfire. With her own powers fading, she must rely on her friends and allies to help her defend her home. What Meg doesn't know is that unseen forces are at work, and her vanishing abilities have brought her closer to fulfilling a prophesy written thousands of years before. Read Betrayed, the second book in The Chronicles of Thamon, and fall in love with these characters that choose friendship, goodness, and faith in each other in order to defeat evil.… (meer)
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Out in the Arizona desert on an Indian reservation, a child goes missing and sheep are killed. The FBI and a group of children are dispatched to uncover the truth and find the boy.

This book had promise but fell flat. First, the FBI would never involve children in an undercover operation, so it was hard to suspend disbelief. Second, most the the children were related (or at least, adopted) and all had names starting with B: Brian, Bobby, Brett. Two of the boys were in love, which felt weird. There were parts where their relationship felt like a porn novel. ( )
  06nwingert | Dec 6, 2020 |
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When betrayal is the name of the game, can anyone win? As the tyrannical, man-made religion of Aaron-Lem spreads across the world like wildfire, banished shapeshifter Meg Portia struggles to come to terms with the weakening of her own powers. Her shapeshifting powers were what made her unique and special. Without them…who is she? When the power-hungry leaders of the Aaron-Lem cult turn on each other, Meg's new home is caught in the crossfire. With her own powers fading, she must rely on her friends and allies to help her defend her home. What Meg doesn't know is that unseen forces are at work, and her vanishing abilities have brought her closer to fulfilling a prophesy written thousands of years before. Read Betrayed, the second book in The Chronicles of Thamon, and fall in love with these characters that choose friendship, goodness, and faith in each other in order to defeat evil.

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Joseph Lewis's boek Betrayed was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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