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Pacific Storm

door Linda Nagata

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2111,086,983 (2.8)Geen
Ava Arnett is a Honolulu cop, captain of the night shift in the autonomous Waikiki District. To guide her actions, she relies on HADAFA - an AI designed to observe, analyze, and predict human behavior. But as a massive hurricane approaches the city, HADAFA begins to glitch. When Ava stumbles across a terrorist conspiracy, she must decide for herself whether or not to trust a mysterious federal agent named Lyric Jones - knowing that the wrong choice could lead to greater devastation... and a war no one will win.… (meer)
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If you like the blurb of the novel, and if you enjoy reading that has more in common with Mission Impossible than with Tinker Tinker Soldier Spy, by all means, go for it.

I don’t want to accuse Nagata of having written a superficial popcorn book. She did try to infuse the book with a certain depth: the political climate of the novel is a critique of where things stand right now in the USA, and the protagonist has a backstory that involves personal climate trauma. On top of that, the basic mystery of the novel is epistemic: can Ava trust all the data her AI smart glasses constantly feed her? How far up the chain of command does the corruption reach? Who can she trust, and who is part of the terrorist plot?

Sadly, all of these things have just one layer to them: it is all straightforward and transparent conceptually, even if the plot of the book retains part of this epistemic uncertainty until the end.


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  bormgans | Feb 23, 2022 |
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Ava Arnett is a Honolulu cop, captain of the night shift in the autonomous Waikiki District. To guide her actions, she relies on HADAFA - an AI designed to observe, analyze, and predict human behavior. But as a massive hurricane approaches the city, HADAFA begins to glitch. When Ava stumbles across a terrorist conspiracy, she must decide for herself whether or not to trust a mysterious federal agent named Lyric Jones - knowing that the wrong choice could lead to greater devastation... and a war no one will win.

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Linda Nagata is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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