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Single Dad Seeks Juliet

door Max Monroe

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251945,914 (4.06)Geen
Dear Internet: I (33F) work at a local paper, and two months ago, my editor assigned me a huge project-run the upcoming, highly anticipated Bachelor Anonymous contest. Men from all over Southern California, vying for the coveted bachelor role, submitted their personal ads to my paper. The readers voted, and Single Dad Seeks Juliet won by a landslide. Enter Mr. Bachelor Anonymous (40M), the single dad Romeo seeking his Juliet. Blah, blah, blah, right? Wrong. This guy is the ultimate man in a six-foot-three, chiseled-muscle, freaking Adonis package with aquamarine eyes. He's a former Navy SEAL, successful business owner, motocross-riding, charming, supportive, funny-as-heck single dad, and the more time I spend with him, the more I want to bring this contest thing crumbling to the ground for an entirely different reason. Real talk: I think I'm falling for him. Me, the woman who despises love, might be falling for the completely off-limits Bachelor who I'm ironically assigned to help find love, while five other women think they're the only contestants competing for his heart. So, Internet. Am I scum? Or is all fair in love and war? Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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This had me cracking the hell up, her dad is the best! ( )
  mrThisledr | Sep 21, 2023 |
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Dear Internet: I (33F) work at a local paper, and two months ago, my editor assigned me a huge project-run the upcoming, highly anticipated Bachelor Anonymous contest. Men from all over Southern California, vying for the coveted bachelor role, submitted their personal ads to my paper. The readers voted, and Single Dad Seeks Juliet won by a landslide. Enter Mr. Bachelor Anonymous (40M), the single dad Romeo seeking his Juliet. Blah, blah, blah, right? Wrong. This guy is the ultimate man in a six-foot-three, chiseled-muscle, freaking Adonis package with aquamarine eyes. He's a former Navy SEAL, successful business owner, motocross-riding, charming, supportive, funny-as-heck single dad, and the more time I spend with him, the more I want to bring this contest thing crumbling to the ground for an entirely different reason. Real talk: I think I'm falling for him. Me, the woman who despises love, might be falling for the completely off-limits Bachelor who I'm ironically assigned to help find love, while five other women think they're the only contestants competing for his heart. So, Internet. Am I scum? Or is all fair in love and war? Contains mature themes.

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Gemiddelde: (4.06)
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