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The Trial of Joe Harlan Junior

door J. K. Franko

Reeksen: Talion (.5)

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1181,769,577 (4.86)Geen
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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
When you read this book by itself, it's not as long or deep as I expected. But when you think about it as part of a bigger story, it becomes really important. It gives you important background details about the characters and what's going on. In this book, you meet Joe and Kristy, and they tell their different sides of the story, which keeps things interesting. The excitement builds as the trial goes on, and you really want to know what happens next. I think the next book, "Eye for Eye," will tell us more about what happens after the trial.

What's special about this book is how the author writes and tells the story. It's easy to get into, and you feel like you're right there with the characters. Even though it's a story about a trial, it's not boring at all, and it keeps you interested.
  ZetaDionn | Oct 18, 2023 |
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. I loveeeee scripts. This book, being an adaption of the play, is so cool to me. It’s a short read, one you can get through in an hour or two, and very clearly comes from a core of the visual medium it was born from. There’s even an interactive “live performance” of the trial and transcripts that make up the bulk of this book.

This story opens with Kristy essentially panicking about going to Joe’s trial. Franko kind of hides what the trial is for until we actually see the trial (or transcripts), even if it’s not too terribly hard to figure it out. After the verdict falls, we see a bit of the fallout. Ultimately, this story explores the complexity of truth, belief, and accusation and how incredibly hard it is to prove a monster is a monster.

I’ve already read the series (it’s been a few years), so I enjoyed coming back to visit the series with Franko. ( )
  Pritaa | Oct 8, 2023 |
Oh, the courtroom drama! The Trial of Joe Harlan Junior by J K Franko is like peeling layers off an onion of legal conundrums, each layer revealing a new facet to the narrative. The book introduces us to a court scene that feels so real, you'd almost expect a jury summons in your mail. I liked that Franko didn't shy away from presenting the trial transcript style, which, while unconventional, added a layer of authenticity to the unfolding drama.
Now, onto Joe Harlan Junior. The protagonist whose trial we are privy to, is a character that evoked a mixed bag of emotions. I felt that his character was well fleshed out and the courtroom setting was the perfect stage to unravel the complexities of the legal system alongside human emotions. The narrative does a good job of keeping the scales of justice in a precarious balance, leaving you pondering long after you've turned the last page.
Enjoyed a lot of the themes explored in this book, from the meticulous details of the courtroom to the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. It's a brief yet impactful dive into a legal whirlpool. I hope you like it as it's a legal drama that doesn't object to delving deep into the human psyche amidst a courtroom backdrop. ( )
  WillSS | Oct 7, 2023 |
The Trial of Joe Harlan Junior, is a shorter read but full of explosive twists. Hold on to your seat, type of thing, you’re in for a hell of a ride.
For me, the story’s champion is definitely the courtroom proceedings, the atmosphere, the suspense, and the evidence presented. It felt so real. The author quite cleverly blends all the facts into a really deep moral theme, that just felt so human but also not in an over the top kind of way.
Franko’s skill as a writer definitely shone through, with his character development, especially the main protagonist, Joe, he had me rooting for him one minute and wanting to slap him the next! I most definitely could not help but get involved in the roller coaster of emotions that were on display.
It’s a well-written suspenseful thriller with perfect pacing. Not much is as it appears, which if other fans of the mystery, thriller and suspense genre are anything like me, is exactly how they’ll want it. ( )
  Ssteve23 | Sep 28, 2023 |
I am a huge JK Franco fan and have read all the eye for an eye books so needless to say I am very immersed in these crazy characters this narrative and the outcome… But in the trial of Joe Harlan Junior we get to see the beginning. We get to see what really happened to Christy and the way the book reads your almost like a juror at Joe’s trial and can determine for yourself if you think he is guilty or not guilty. Out of all the books Amazon recommends to me I cannot believe they didn’t recommend this one so good it took me no time to read but pack such a powerful punch I totally love this book. ( )
  BoopBetty4 | Sep 26, 2023 |
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