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Fly with the Arrow: A Bluebeard Inspired Fantasy (Bluebeard's Secret Book 1)

door Sarah K. L. Wilson

Reeksen: Bluebeard's Secret (1)

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A STOLEN BRIDE. A TERRIFYING BRIDEGROOM. THE GAME THAT WILL DETERMINE THEIR FATES. I'm a practical girl. I can resign myself to an unwanted marriage - and I had. I just didn't expect my first potential bridegroom to be murdered by the second and all because I broke the Law of Greeting. No one warned me the law existed. No one told me breaking it would mean I'd be swept up into the arms of a powerful and beautiful immortal bent on taking me as his sixteenth bride and dragging me off to his strange world. That's a bit much to ask of a person. But I'm not the kind of girl to just give up. Not even if it means facing all the strange mystery and magic of this mad fae world with nothing but my common sense. I will not mope in my room, or go crazy, or let myself be killed by one of his rivals. And I absolutely WILL NOT fall in love with him. Not even when he keeps surprising me with depths and kindness I didn't expect. Not even if it turns out he actually might have a good reason for all of this. After all, he's had fifteen wives before me and it's not a case of "the more the merrier." Especially not now, when it turns out he's playing a game for the fate of my nation. Failure in this world will mean the desolation of everyone I love. The stakes couldn't be higher. But I have a crafty husband, a severed head best friend who gives surprisingly good advice, and the common sense my mother gave me, and if that isn't enough to take on the whole of this fae world... well, they'll just have to be. That's all there is to it. Because I'm not dying unless I have a very good reason.… (meer)
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9/1/2021 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2/17/2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ( )
  libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
Wilson's voice in this (and other books) is just fantastic. It fits the fairy-tale retelling to perfection. The narration was also smooth and fitting for the main character's voice.

I actually would rate the story 4.5 stars, reduced by 1/2 because I wanted the male perspective here too. This is, at its heart, a romance, and I felt like I was being kept away from one of the characters. This may have been intentional to not give away too much of the motivation, but I felt like things were unnecessarily hidden.

Otherwise, plot, pacing, the whimsical feel, everything worked very well for me. The story continues, but the ending wraps up nice enough that I'm not compelled to go on and nor do I feel like I'm not content with the ending (as I do in some other series). ( )
  SusanStradiotto | Jul 12, 2023 |
Darn it, Sarah! Until I read this book, I thought, OK, your writing is fine, your stories are interesting enough, but there's nothing to make you stand out. And then you had to go and write this and make me eat all of my words. This book was extraordinary.

It starts with a young woman, Izolda, being told that her father has arranged a marriage for her and she immediately has to come to terms with it. But before she knows it, a fairy tale nightmare comes to life before her eyes, her fiance is killed and she is married to her husband's killer. She is also his sixteenth wife. (They're all dead so it's not polygamy, not sure if that makes things better or not...)

Izolda is smart. So watching her make her decisions (some better than others) is fascinating because she thinks of options I wouldn't come up with. The story is also riddled (riddled!) with riddles. Pun intended because I'm not smart enough to figure out riddles. But watching her figure then out was fantastic. And it was just fun.

And Bluebeard. He's very strange. There is obviously a lot that we don't know. And I didn't hate him, which is kind of remarkable considering he's lopping off heads and taking out people right and left. So I think there's a story there that I need to hear and that might actually make me like the guy. But we don't get to see that story in book one. OK, I'm ready for the next book.

Unfortunately, my library only has the first three audiobooks in this series, and at the rate I'm going to fly through them, it has approximately three days to fix this gross oversight. Because I can't stop! It's so good! ( )
  Constant2m | Jun 22, 2023 |
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A STOLEN BRIDE. A TERRIFYING BRIDEGROOM. THE GAME THAT WILL DETERMINE THEIR FATES. I'm a practical girl. I can resign myself to an unwanted marriage - and I had. I just didn't expect my first potential bridegroom to be murdered by the second and all because I broke the Law of Greeting. No one warned me the law existed. No one told me breaking it would mean I'd be swept up into the arms of a powerful and beautiful immortal bent on taking me as his sixteenth bride and dragging me off to his strange world. That's a bit much to ask of a person. But I'm not the kind of girl to just give up. Not even if it means facing all the strange mystery and magic of this mad fae world with nothing but my common sense. I will not mope in my room, or go crazy, or let myself be killed by one of his rivals. And I absolutely WILL NOT fall in love with him. Not even when he keeps surprising me with depths and kindness I didn't expect. Not even if it turns out he actually might have a good reason for all of this. After all, he's had fifteen wives before me and it's not a case of "the more the merrier." Especially not now, when it turns out he's playing a game for the fate of my nation. Failure in this world will mean the desolation of everyone I love. The stakes couldn't be higher. But I have a crafty husband, a severed head best friend who gives surprisingly good advice, and the common sense my mother gave me, and if that isn't enough to take on the whole of this fae world... well, they'll just have to be. That's all there is to it. Because I'm not dying unless I have a very good reason.

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