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The Brides of High Hill

door Nghi Vo

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Reeksen: The Singing Hills Cycle (5)

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13012217,599 (4.2)10
The cleric Chih accompanies a beautiful young bride to her wedding to the aging ruler of a crumbling estate situated at the crossroads of dead empires. The bride's party is welcomed with elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, but between the frightened servants and the cryptic warnings of the lord's mad son, they quickly realize that something is haunting the shadowed halls. As Chih and the bride-to-be explore empty rooms and desolate courtyards, they are drawn into the mystery of what became of Lord Guo's previous wives and the dark history of Doi Cao itself. But as the wedding night draws to its close, Chih will learn at their peril that not all monsters are to be found in the shadows; some hide in plain sight. --… (meer)
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1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I love Nghi Vo's Singing Hills Cycle. Even though this one is marked as the 5th in the series, it is actually a standalone novella and much darker than the previous books in the series. This time we find protagonist Cleric Chih escorting a young woman and her family to an estate, Doi Cao, where the young woman's betrothed awaits her. She has never met her fiance, but she has been promised to him. When they arrive at Doi Cao, they are greeted with extravagant banquets, but there is something sinister lurking beneath the facade. What Cleric Chih eventually learns is that monsters are where you least expect them.

This was a deliciously chilling story. I love Cleric Chih and look forward to the next in this series! ( )
  niaomiya | Aug 9, 2024 |
this is not my favorite book in this series - however, I think its the one with the biggest twist so far. Luckily, these books are novella length, only taking a few hours to read through. On second reading, things became more clear on what was happening.

While not my favorite book - there were some plot aspects that needed to be cleared up, but besides that, the story is wonderfully written, with a nod to stories and tradition, but also touches on love and infatuation. The characters were well written, with hints to who they are - if you pay attention. On second reading, this novella had a very different story. ( )
  TheDivineOomba | Aug 2, 2024 |
Vo's characters are rich with complex histories but the amount we see of them is exactly what Chih is able to see in their short time, yet it is clear that each thread could be followed deeply into another story. This book was a credit to the series and the author, and an excellent use of an unreliable narrator. The twist was very well executed and the whole story was delicious. ( )
  ravenzer | Jul 31, 2024 |
Cleric Chih of the Singing Hills abbey accompanies a young woman and her parents with their lengthy but poorly fitted baggage train to marry her off to a rich older nobleman and save themselves from poverty. Chih misses his neixin, Almost Brilliant, the hoopoe shaped spirit that remembers everything, but is fascinated by the young Pham Nhung and reluctant to see her given to Lord Gao, especially after the appearance at the first banquet of his disturbed son. And their wanderings about the estate raise even more concerns. From the beginning, this story is told with an air of uneasiness that raises questions, and ready explanations from countless stories are unsatisfactory answers. ( )
  quondame | Jul 5, 2024 |
Having read this book, I am now immensely curious what Nghi Vo would do with a completely standalone gothic horror novel, something not set in the Singing Hills universe. Because while I loved seeing more of Cleric Chih, it was a bit weird having the setting for this story so much darker than the rest of the series. Also, with the focus in this book on the gothic horror / mystery aspect, there was less of the story & memory trope that I'm used to in this series. (Though there are still some great quotes about stories.)

Most of what I want to say about the book involves major spoilers (and it's best to read this book knowing as little as possible about the twists involved—even saying that there are twists feels like it might be saying too much) so I will just say that I enjoyed the book, even though it doesn't feel quite like the rest of the series in tone. This is not my favorite of the series (that honor remains with Into the Riverlands) but it is still a very enjoyable book and would be a great book to read for a creepy (yet not too scary) Halloween-time read. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | Jul 5, 2024 |
1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Vo’s novella is (by nature of being a novella) short and to the point. The clues as to what is going on are clear, despite which readers may well be surprised by the resolution. If the elegant structure were not sufficient, the characters are engaging and the prose up to Vo’s high standard.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Nghi Voprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Foeckler, CJAuthor photoSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Foltzer, ChristineOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Winans, AlyssaArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Cleric Thien was telling them that it always started with a story.
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In the capital city of Anh, where the Empress of Wheat and Flood ruled from the mammoth and lion throne, western Ji was considered contested territory, while western Ji considered itself uncontestedly independent. Together the two things led to a history marked with violence and conflict, evident from the curtain wall around the estate. The wall, as Chih could see when they and Nhung drew near, was a grim and gray thing, likely as thick as a child was tall. (chapter 1)
[from a book rescued from Doi Cao's rotting library]
In the final years of the Ku Dynasty, the empire was eaten from within by rich bureaucrats and from without by strange beasts. These beasts, it seemed to me, walked in darkness and in the high places and the low ones, as sly as the scarf of a dancing girl trailed over an unwary nape, as deadly as poison offered by a friend or a lover. (chapter 5)
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The cleric Chih accompanies a beautiful young bride to her wedding to the aging ruler of a crumbling estate situated at the crossroads of dead empires. The bride's party is welcomed with elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, but between the frightened servants and the cryptic warnings of the lord's mad son, they quickly realize that something is haunting the shadowed halls. As Chih and the bride-to-be explore empty rooms and desolate courtyards, they are drawn into the mystery of what became of Lord Guo's previous wives and the dark history of Doi Cao itself. But as the wedding night draws to its close, Chih will learn at their peril that not all monsters are to be found in the shadows; some hide in plain sight. --

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Gemiddelde: (4.2)
3 4
3.5 7
4 17
4.5 6
5 14

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