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Before Hannah was a 9-5 working, dinner making, homebody, she was Ashton James: a paparazzi-stalked pop star with more enemies than friends. These days she has one priority: keeping her sister safe and away from the public eye. Hannah was doing a great job, until the pesky little brother of an ex-fling discovers where she is, and wants her help launching his career. Now she has to trust Johnny-whom she betrayed in more ways than one-to protect her whereabouts. Johnny may have an infuriating moral compass and the timing of a storybook hero, but is he immune to the temptation of revenge? Johnny's focus has always been his music business, and a bad influence like Hannah is the last thing he needs at work, or around his brother. But some things are too powerful to be stopped. For someone like Hannah, second chances-in life and in true love-don't exist. She didn't think so, at least. Johnny is about to prove her wrong, and being wrong has never felt so right. 'Key Change' is a full-length contemporary romance and can be read as a standalone. Book #3 in the Common Threads series, Seduction in the City World, Penny Reid Book Universe.… (meer)
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2.5 stars. It was okay. ( )
  Donnela | Apr 30, 2024 |
Hannah works in a call center and cares for her younger sister. She used to be Ashton James, a wild rock star who disappeared a few years ago while breaking down in a final public appearance. When the younger brother of an ex-fling recognizes her, Hannah's world looks like it might fall apart.
It's a well-written story about second chances, not just for Hannah, but for Johnny too. Her ex is running his own recording studio now and needs to make it a success, but Hannah's reappearance in his life threatens his new life.
I really liked all the recording studio bits; it felt very immersive into that world. Johnny and Hannah's romance is a slow-burn as they slowly become honest with each other. The younger siblings work also and the difficulties of guardianships for two young people are portrayed well. First time I read this author, but will definitely read more of her work. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Jan 3, 2022 |
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Before Hannah was a 9-5 working, dinner making, homebody, she was Ashton James: a paparazzi-stalked pop star with more enemies than friends. These days she has one priority: keeping her sister safe and away from the public eye. Hannah was doing a great job, until the pesky little brother of an ex-fling discovers where she is, and wants her help launching his career. Now she has to trust Johnny-whom she betrayed in more ways than one-to protect her whereabouts. Johnny may have an infuriating moral compass and the timing of a storybook hero, but is he immune to the temptation of revenge? Johnny's focus has always been his music business, and a bad influence like Hannah is the last thing he needs at work, or around his brother. But some things are too powerful to be stopped. For someone like Hannah, second chances-in life and in true love-don't exist. She didn't think so, at least. Johnny is about to prove her wrong, and being wrong has never felt so right. 'Key Change' is a full-length contemporary romance and can be read as a standalone. Book #3 in the Common Threads series, Seduction in the City World, Penny Reid Book Universe.

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