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door Kate Marchant

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781354,363 (3.38)Geen
A heartfelt summer read for fans of Sarah Dessen and Jenny Han about holding on and letting go. Waverly Lyons has been caught in the middle of her parents' divorce for as long as she can remember. This summer, the battle rages over who she'll spend her vacation with, and when Waverly's options are shot down, it's bye-bye Fairbanks, Alaska and hello Holden, Florida to stay with her aunt. Coming from the tundra of the north, the beach culture isn't exactly Waverly's forte. The sun may just be her mortal enemy, and her vibe is decidedly not chill. To top it off? Her ability to swim? Nonexistent. Enter Blake, the (superhot) boy next door. Charming and sweet, he welcomes Waverly into his circle. For the first time in her life, Waverly has friends, a social life, and soon enough, feelings . . . for Blake. As the two grow closer, Waverly's fortunes begin to look up. But every summer must come to an end, and letting go is hardest when you've finally found where you belong.… (meer)
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A heartfelt summer read for fans of Sarah Dessen and Jenny Han about holding on and letting go. Waverly Lyons has been caught in the middle of her parents' divorce for as long as she can remember. This summer, the battle rages over who she'll spend her vacation with, and when Waverly's options are shot down, it's bye-bye Fairbanks, Alaska and hello Holden, Florida to stay with her aunt. Coming from the tundra of the north, the beach culture isn't exactly Waverly's forte. The sun may just be her mortal enemy, and her vibe is decidedly not chill. To top it off? Her ability to swim? Nonexistent. Enter Blake, the (superhot) boy next door. Charming and sweet, he welcomes Waverly into his circle. For the first time in her life, Waverly has friends, a social life, and soon enough, feelings . . . for Blake. As the two grow closer, Waverly's fortunes begin to look up. But every summer must come to an end, and letting go is hardest when you've finally found where you belong.

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