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Things I Wanted To Say: The heart-pounding and darkly romantic TikTok sensation

door Monica Murphy

Reeksen: Lancaster Prep (1), Lancaster Family {Midnight Dynasty offshoot} (1 | Whit Lancaster + Summer Savage)

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289394,798 (3.75)Geen
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy comes a brand new dark and twisted bully romance full of secrets and lies ...

Whit Lancaster burst into my life like a storm. Dark and thunderous, furious and fierce. Cold, heartless, and devastatingly beautiful, like the statues in our prep school gardens. The school with his family name on the sign. He can do no wrong here. This is his domain.

He's a menace on campus. Adored and feared. Hated and respected. His taunting words carve into my skin, shredding me to ribbons. Yet his intense gaze scorches my blood, fills me with a longing I don't understand.

When he comes to my rescue one night, he ends up broken. Bleeding. My instincts scream to leave and let him suffer, but I can't. I sneak him into my room. Clean him up. Fall for his lies. Let him possess every single part of me until I'm the one left a gasping, broken mess.

Then he leaves me alone in the dead of night, taking my journal with him. Now he knows all my secrets. My hate. My truth. And he promises to use my words against me. I'll be ruined if my darkest secret gets out. That's when I strike a bargain with the devil. I'll let Whit Lancaster ruin me behind closed doors instead.

Things I Wanted to Say (but never did) is a complete standalone. This edgy bully romance contains dark scenes some listeners may find uncomfortable to hear. Listener discretion is advised.

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Toon 3 van 3
Sweet holy titfire...

Bully romances are hit and miss for me because they generally are always high school. However, the blurb of this one had me putting that aside because my interest was piqued. I am so thankful because this book was everything it hinted at and more. This is how Bully romance should be written.

It comes with the typical entitled behavior of a leading man, the trampled-on but fiery female, and enough angst that it physically hurts. Except, this book took the typical trifecta and turned up the oven to broil and had me devouring these words as if they were the air that I needed to breathe. Whit is vile a large portion of this book. The things he says... It reminded me of the Tik Tok Videos, where a girl is shown reading a book, and asks herself if she likes this because I asked myself that several times and each time was a resounding yes. It shouldn't have been hot but sweet holiest of titfires was it ever. Summer was an enigma to me a lot of the story. I would like her and then I would want to shake her. Yet, that did not stop me from looking forward to the interactions between Whit and her because they were intense. Whit was the true standout in this book. And the steamy times? GOOOOOOOD LAWD... The scenes were delicious and always felt fresh and new, something that is often hard to do in romance books because they tend to blend into being the same.

I appreciated the world-building of what being entitled was like for these characters. It put things into perspective of why these characters tended to act the way that they did. This is a relatively new author to me, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this story and am very pleasantly surprised that she exceeded my expectations by giving me an exceptional story, with a plausible storyline, strong characters (I will be thinking about Whit for a very long time), just the right amount of angst, and steamy times which are what I want in a good romance book.

That being said, I do wish that a few things had been fleshed out more, like Sylvie, although that might be because the author intends to create her story so was purposely being vague. In this case, I sure hope so because it feels like there is a definite story there. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
Haunted by the sins of their parents Whit and Summer are pitted against each other with a mutual hatred that stems from this. Summer is strong even when she feels like she isn’t she holds her head high and tries so hard to not let things drag her down, but sometimes that seems impossible when a guy like Whit is your number one enemy. Whit likes to think he hates Summer, and she is nothing but pathetic like her mother, yet he can’t seem to stay away from her. She draws him in with just a look and although he tries so hard to break her down, he can’t stay out of her orbit. They go back and forth with hatred and want while outside forces try to keep them apart. I don’t want to give too much away because as a reader you need to experience their ups and downs to get the full effect. At times I could get frustrated with their constant I hate but I want you obsession that went on forever, but I enjoyed their growth. Lies, betrayals, bullying, manipulations this book has it all. I hated their parents so much and even Sylvie at the end, but I loved the direction the story went for these two. If you love a super steamy, enemies to lovers, bully trope this is the book for you. This author has made a dark world that seems impossible for happiness, that frustrates the reader, yet draws them in, and turned it into something amazing. ( )
  readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Sweet holy titfire...

Bully romances are hit and miss for me because they generally are always high school. However, the blurb of this one had me putting that aside because my interest was piqued. I am so thankful because this book was everything it hinted at and more. This is how Bully romance should be written.

It comes with the typical entitled behavior of a leading man, the trampled-on but fiery female, and enough angst that it physically hurts. Except, this book took the typical trifecta and turned up the oven to broil and had me devouring these words as if they were the air that I needed to breathe. Whit is vile a large portion of this book. The things he says... It reminded me of the Tik Tok Videos, where a girl is shown reading a book, and asks herself if she likes this because I asked myself that several times and each time was a resounding yes. It shouldn't have been hot but sweet holiest of titfires was it ever. Summer was an enigma to me a lot of the story. I would like her and then I would want to shake her. Yet, that did not stop me from looking forward to the interactions between Whit and her because they were intense. Whit was the true standout in this book. And the steamy times? GOOOOOOOD LAWD... The scenes were delicious and always felt fresh and new, something that is often hard to do in romance books because they tend to blend into being the same.

I appreciated the world-building of what being entitled was like for these characters. It put things into perspective of why these characters tended to act the way that they did. This is a relatively new author to me, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this story and am very pleasantly surprised that she exceeded my expectations by giving me an exceptional story, with a plausible storyline, strong characters (I will be thinking about Whit for a very long time), just the right amount of angst, and steamy times which are what I want in a good romance book.

That being said, I do wish that a few things had been fleshed out more, like Sylvie, although that might be because the author intends to create her story so was purposely being vague. In this case, I sure hope so because it feels like there is a definite story there. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
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Onderdeel van de reeks(en)

Lancaster Family {Midnight Dynasty offshoot} (1 | Whit Lancaster + Summer Savage)
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy comes a brand new dark and twisted bully romance full of secrets and lies ...

Whit Lancaster burst into my life like a storm. Dark and thunderous, furious and fierce. Cold, heartless, and devastatingly beautiful, like the statues in our prep school gardens. The school with his family name on the sign. He can do no wrong here. This is his domain.

He's a menace on campus. Adored and feared. Hated and respected. His taunting words carve into my skin, shredding me to ribbons. Yet his intense gaze scorches my blood, fills me with a longing I don't understand.

When he comes to my rescue one night, he ends up broken. Bleeding. My instincts scream to leave and let him suffer, but I can't. I sneak him into my room. Clean him up. Fall for his lies. Let him possess every single part of me until I'm the one left a gasping, broken mess.

Then he leaves me alone in the dead of night, taking my journal with him. Now he knows all my secrets. My hate. My truth. And he promises to use my words against me. I'll be ruined if my darkest secret gets out. That's when I strike a bargain with the devil. I'll let Whit Lancaster ruin me behind closed doors instead.

Things I Wanted to Say (but never did) is a complete standalone. This edgy bully romance contains dark scenes some listeners may find uncomfortable to hear. Listener discretion is advised.


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