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I Am Brave!: An Acorn Book (Princess Truly #5) (Library Edition) (5)

door Kelly Greenawalt

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661412,530 (3.5)Geen
In rhyming text super girl Princess Truly goes on a camping trip with little brother Ty and her dog, Sir Noodles; with her super powers she is not afraid of dark caves, bugs, or things that go bump in the night, which is a problem when she develops hiccups, and needs something to scare them away.
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Princess Truly and her brother Ty are camping. Nothing outdoors scares Princess Truly, which is helpful until she gets the hiccups and they won't be scared away! Will her hiccups ever end?

This is a sweet and charming story, if not that substantive. I do like how Truly and Ty have a good relationship; she helps her little brother out and vice versa instead of squabbling. The bravery is a nice aspect to show as well.

My tiny quibble is that the parents are nowhere to be seen. They don't have to be a big part of the story, but they should at least be in the background illustrations as present, in my opinion. I'm also not entirely sure why Truly needs to have "magic curls" as the rest of the book is more or less realistic.

The book consists of two short chapters / short stories, which are related. This can make a youngster feel really accomplished for reading a "chapter book" even though it is still more of an early reader style in terms of short, simple, declarative sentences full of sight words.

Gentle illustrations fit the tone well, and the final page provides a step-by-step drawing instruction as well as a prompt for creative thinking/writing. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Jan 5, 2023 |
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In rhyming text super girl Princess Truly goes on a camping trip with little brother Ty and her dog, Sir Noodles; with her super powers she is not afraid of dark caves, bugs, or things that go bump in the night, which is a problem when she develops hiccups, and needs something to scare them away.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
3.5 1

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