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Devil's Gun

door Cat Rambo

Reeksen: Disco Space Opera (2)

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657418,308 (4.07)6
Life is hard when you're trying to outrun a vengeful pirate king. When the intergalactic Gate Niko and her crew plan to use is out of commission, they make the most of things and create a pop-up restaurant to serve the dozens of other stranded ships. When archaeologist Jezli Farron shows up claiming to be able to fix the Gate, the path leads to one of the most dangerous place in the known universe. As each crewmember faces their own ghosts, their ship, the You Sexy Thing, contemplates what it wants from life-- which may be very different from what Niko and the rest of the crew want. -- adapted from jacket… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
this second instalment of the series is not as funny as the first one, but to the benefit of the work it reaches deeper. every character, including the ship, has identity issues as they in turn dig deeper, and all their efforts to self-actualize in order to find themselves clash with everyone else's determination to do the same. this leads to big problems, and even some *gasp* meanness. it's a fine crew though, and i plan to keep following it as long as the author keeps it going, cause it's a pretty interesting take on space opera, and i really want to see where she takes it next. ( )
  macha | Jun 23, 2024 |
The crew of You Sexy Thing is back set on warning the captains ex-lover that they are still very much in danger when they are stopped by a closed gate, the possibility of which was mere rumor. The have opened as a restaurant for the crews of the stranded or waiting ship while the person who may be able to open the gate in en route.
This was just too much thrown in the pot and characters with illusory agency as only a few the choices they make seem organic to the individual. Lots of grumping and grimacing and not much sense. ( )
  quondame | Jan 9, 2024 |
not a bad second story. continuiity was better, but the story seemed only to service a third book... again, characters were fine, and writing was better than book one. i do hate, though, when authors play the cliffhanger game without telling you the main story will not be completed at the end of that book... ( )
  travelgirl-fics | Nov 28, 2023 |
Loved spending time with these characters again and especially appreciated the author's recap of the first book before starting the new story. Why don't more series authors do this?? Humor, some adventure, friendship, and a sentient ship experimenting with emotion. Highly entertaining. Not as action-packed as the first in the series. ( )
  bookappeal | Nov 11, 2023 |
Niko and her crew, formerly restaurateurs at the station of TwiceFar, are ready to go on adventures on You Sexy Thing, the sentient ship that's excited to learn more about the people aboard. Atlanta is still reeling from learning she's not who she thought she was and is trying to find a way to fit in. Niko discovers that Tubal Last is still alive; she need to find Petalia to warm them. And Thorn is grieving his brother's death and not doing well.

This book suffers a little from being somewhere in the middle of a series, starting with a recap of the previous book (thank goodness, I needed it) and ending on a cliffhanger. The plot doesn't advance much, but the characters develop in interesting ways, and I liked seeing both the ways they cared for each other and messed up sometimes. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. ( )
  bell7 | Oct 27, 2023 |
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Life is hard when you're trying to outrun a vengeful pirate king. When the intergalactic Gate Niko and her crew plan to use is out of commission, they make the most of things and create a pop-up restaurant to serve the dozens of other stranded ships. When archaeologist Jezli Farron shows up claiming to be able to fix the Gate, the path leads to one of the most dangerous place in the known universe. As each crewmember faces their own ghosts, their ship, the You Sexy Thing, contemplates what it wants from life-- which may be very different from what Niko and the rest of the crew want. -- adapted from jacket

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Gemiddelde: (4.07)
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5 3


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