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Start A War (Saint View Psychos Book 1)

door Elle Thorpe

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782354,363 (4.25)Geen
"Do you want some Goldfish crackers, Bliss?" Those were the last words my brother said to me before he was shot execution style. A childhood code only he and I knew, and one that had a single, clear meaning behind it. Run. I'm not going anywhere. Not when his murderer is still out there. To catch a killer, I put aside my life of money and luxury and take over the running of Psychos, a dive bar in the seedy underbelly of Saint View. But Psychos delivers more than I ever could have bargained for and three men I never saw coming. Nash, my brother's best friend. Older and more experienced, he still remembers me as the neglected child he once saved. War, heir to a biker gang throne and searching for the man who left his mother in a coma. Bonded over a common goal, he introduces me to a world of after-hours clubs, danger, and violence. And Vincent, the quiet new guy nobody seems to see except me. He's sweet and quirky, but there's a darkness in him just waiting to be unleashed. With every lie we uncover, every secret we expose, the danger mounts. Until there's only one thing we know for sure. The killer is still out there. And we're his next targets. Start a War is an adult, #whychoose romance, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This book contains romantic suspense / dark themes that may trigger some readers. It is the first book in an ongoing trilogy.… (meer)
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I am absolutely obsessed with Bliss, Vincent, War, Nash, and crazy enough even Scythe. This book was so good!! I love when books included a fmc who is curvy and the men in this book worship her body!

The book also has such an addictive story with the hint of murder mystery. I cannot wait to continue with the next book!! ( )
  stephthebookish | Jul 28, 2023 |
I told myself I wasn't gonna get into another series BUT HERE WE ARE. This is so good! I do love a why choose bad boy romance. I'm giving it 4 stars cause the female lead is kind of annoying but at least she's plus size? I do like that a lot. ( )
  ALYSSAALBANESE | Jan 18, 2023 |
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"Do you want some Goldfish crackers, Bliss?" Those were the last words my brother said to me before he was shot execution style. A childhood code only he and I knew, and one that had a single, clear meaning behind it. Run. I'm not going anywhere. Not when his murderer is still out there. To catch a killer, I put aside my life of money and luxury and take over the running of Psychos, a dive bar in the seedy underbelly of Saint View. But Psychos delivers more than I ever could have bargained for and three men I never saw coming. Nash, my brother's best friend. Older and more experienced, he still remembers me as the neglected child he once saved. War, heir to a biker gang throne and searching for the man who left his mother in a coma. Bonded over a common goal, he introduces me to a world of after-hours clubs, danger, and violence. And Vincent, the quiet new guy nobody seems to see except me. He's sweet and quirky, but there's a darkness in him just waiting to be unleashed. With every lie we uncover, every secret we expose, the danger mounts. Until there's only one thing we know for sure. The killer is still out there. And we're his next targets. Start a War is an adult, #whychoose romance, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This book contains romantic suspense / dark themes that may trigger some readers. It is the first book in an ongoing trilogy.

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