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Lore Olympus: Volume Six

door Rachel Smythe

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2723100,936 (4.5)Geen
Chaos reigns in Olympus as Zeus publicly declares Persephone a traitor and issues a warrant for her arrest. But Hades defies his brother's decree, sheltering Persephone in the Underworld-and as the pair spend more time together, they are able to speak openly about their pasts. The goddess of spring admits the truth behind the bloody secret that led to Zeus's ire, and the king of the Underworld shares the trauma he suffered at the hands of his power-hungry father, Kronos. But as Hades and Persephone's relationship grows stronger, others begin to fall apart. The bond between Hades and Zeus is stretched to its limit, threatening to fracture the peace between their realms. Persephone and Artemis's friendship hangs by a thread as the goddess of the hunt slowly uncovers the vile truth about her twin, Apollo. A line is being drawn in the heavens, putting everyone's loyalties into question as all the gods are forced to choose sides. And as the cracks in the foundation of the pantheon spread, something darker and more earth-shattering might soon be released.… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
This series is slowly trucking along and the plot is starting to reveal itself. Obviously if you've read any Greek mythology at all you know exactly what is going to happen but it is interesting to see how it plays out in this reimagined graphic novel format. The romantic tension between Hades and Persephone grows as she hides out in the Underworld from Zeus. Hera finally finds out what Apollo has over Kore, Minthe gets a bit of a backstory, and Persephone tells the truth about what happened when rage overcame her in the garden (murder - lots of murder). Fun and I eagerly await the next volume! ( )
  ecataldi | Jul 23, 2024 |
Rachel Smythe’s Lore Olympus: Volume Six continues her retelling of the myth of Hades and Persephone, collecting episodes 127-152 of the comic that originally appeared on WEBTOON. This volume pics up where the last one ended, with Zeus having issued warrants for the arrest of Persephone/Kore and her mother, Demeter. Hades grants Persephone sanctuary in his realm after reviving her. Meanwhile, Hera discovers what Apollo did to Persephone and enlists Hephaestus in destroying the digital leverage that Apollo holds over Persephone. While Hades and Persephone continue to draw closer, Minthe fumes and tries to win Hades back without realizing that what they had was just a fling to him. Artemis learns that Apollo is the reason Persephone has been withdrawn and challenges him. Demeter worries that the Olympian gods will learn that Persephone is a fertility goddess, possessing untold power. Zeus continues to scheme, trying to maintain his power over the Olympians. This volume concludes with a flashback of how Hades met Minthe followed by a glimpse of Kore’s power.

Smythe accelerates several storylines in this volume, bringing them to a dramatic head and setting up final confrontations. The bonus features in volume six are somewhat lacking, featuring only a few sketches of pages rather than the more extensive breakdowns or analyses she’s included previously, but this may be due to the dramatic content of the text itself taking pride of place. Despite that, fans of Lore Olympus and Greek mythology will absolutely love this volume. This hardcover edition is a great way for fans to add the WEBTOON to their physical bookshelf to revisit these stories and share with friends. ( )
  DarthDeverell | Jun 21, 2024 |
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | Jun 16, 2024 |
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Chaos reigns in Olympus as Zeus publicly declares Persephone a traitor and issues a warrant for her arrest. But Hades defies his brother's decree, sheltering Persephone in the Underworld-and as the pair spend more time together, they are able to speak openly about their pasts. The goddess of spring admits the truth behind the bloody secret that led to Zeus's ire, and the king of the Underworld shares the trauma he suffered at the hands of his power-hungry father, Kronos. But as Hades and Persephone's relationship grows stronger, others begin to fall apart. The bond between Hades and Zeus is stretched to its limit, threatening to fracture the peace between their realms. Persephone and Artemis's friendship hangs by a thread as the goddess of the hunt slowly uncovers the vile truth about her twin, Apollo. A line is being drawn in the heavens, putting everyone's loyalties into question as all the gods are forced to choose sides. And as the cracks in the foundation of the pantheon spread, something darker and more earth-shattering might soon be released.

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5 19

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