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Beggar on Horseback (1953)

door Sylvia Thorpe

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Beggar on Horseback, first published in 1953, is set in the late seventeenth century. Major Kelvin Rainham has been twice disgraced and reduced to earning a living as a mercenary. He returns to London and, over five nights of cards, wins the young David Stratton's entire estate, leaving him and his sister Dorothea in poverty. Back at the Stratton estate the solitary Major, who is universally loathed, falls in love with Dorothea's portrait and sets off to find her. With just the barest hint of her whereabouts he spends months searching through Kent, only to be wounded, left for dead, then nursed back to health by Dorothea, who doesn't know his real name. Lurking in the background is David's pretend friend who is in love with Dorothea. By fair means or foul, he will keep Dorothea and the Major apart.

Meanwhile, the callow and sulky David falls in love with an earl's daughter who is betrothed to a scoundrel. David can't save her from her fate because his lack of money means he can't marry.

Much melodrama! I liked it. ( )
  pamelad | Oct 2, 2022 |
I love this book. I loaned it to a friend who lost it. As soon as the internet was invented practically my first thought was "cool now I can find Beggar on Horseback again."

So an historical romance in the old style. No explicite love scenes. Very well written. Beautiful feel for the times with characters true to their period not just modern people dropped into a carriage and a long dress. The hero is an honorable man almost destroyed by his circumstances who wins an estate in a game of chance. He basically just wants to go there and rest. Once there, he falls in love with a potrait of Dorothea the previous owner's sister. He sets out to discover what has happened to her.

A beautiful romance full of emotion and self sacrifice with a slightly bittersweet but ultimately fulfilling happy ending. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
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