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door C.N. Crawford

Reeksen: Frost and Nectar (2)

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693396,242 (3.54)Geen
"After the Seelie king Torin nearly froze me to death, I plunged through a portal into my true home. Turns out, my hometown is a wild Unseelie kingdom known as the Court of Sorrows. When Torin follows me and sees my new horns, he quickly realizes that his intended bride is an enemy of his realm. In fact, his name for my kind is ""demon."" But even if I have the horns of an Unseelie, I'm not welcome here, either. Queen Mab and her monstrous soldiers are delighted to torment us, accusing me of being a traitor. If we want to get out of the Court of Sorrows with our lives, the only hope we have is to stay as close to each other as possible--even if it means fleeing on horseback and sharing a bed. Every moment is bittersweet since it could be our last--and Torin is condemned to kill anyone he loves. Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music! Performed by Taylor Coan, Alex Hill-Knight, Nazia Chaudhry, Scott McCormick, Colleen Delany, John Kielty, Stephanie Nemeth-Parker, Jenna Sharpe, Zeke Alton, Michael John Casey, Torian Brackett, Jasmine Hyde, Eric Messner, Yasmin Tuazon, Terence Aselford, Marni Penning and Karen Novack.".… (meer)
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CN Crawford is one of my faves, and this book did NOT disappoint. The twists and turns and slow burn were worth the wait.

Don't walk, run to the kindle store and buy the series. ( )
  phatlady03 | Jul 30, 2023 |
no.. just no ( )
  biancawhite | Jul 24, 2023 |
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"After the Seelie king Torin nearly froze me to death, I plunged through a portal into my true home. Turns out, my hometown is a wild Unseelie kingdom known as the Court of Sorrows. When Torin follows me and sees my new horns, he quickly realizes that his intended bride is an enemy of his realm. In fact, his name for my kind is ""demon."" But even if I have the horns of an Unseelie, I'm not welcome here, either. Queen Mab and her monstrous soldiers are delighted to torment us, accusing me of being a traitor. If we want to get out of the Court of Sorrows with our lives, the only hope we have is to stay as close to each other as possible--even if it means fleeing on horseback and sharing a bed. Every moment is bittersweet since it could be our last--and Torin is condemned to kill anyone he loves. Adapted from the novel and produced with a full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music! Performed by Taylor Coan, Alex Hill-Knight, Nazia Chaudhry, Scott McCormick, Colleen Delany, John Kielty, Stephanie Nemeth-Parker, Jenna Sharpe, Zeke Alton, Michael John Casey, Torian Brackett, Jasmine Hyde, Eric Messner, Yasmin Tuazon, Terence Aselford, Marni Penning and Karen Novack.".

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