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Old-Fashioned Cupcake

door Sagan Sagan

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771358,588 (4.42)1
A visit to a pancake shop leads to an unexpected May-December romance that breathes life into the monotonous routine of an older salaryman. The daily grind both soothes and troubles older salaryman Nozue, until an unexpected visit to a pancake shop with his blunt younger coworker shakes things up! At 39 years old, Nozue lives a routine, if not melancholic, life of sleep and work. Togawa, his younger subordinate, finds it troubling and takes it upon himself to shake up Nozue's routine. During a lunch outing, the two go to a pancake shop full of exuberant young ladies to "do what girls do," and it's just the thing to breathe life into Nozue. The two men start an unlikely friendship--and perhaps something a little sweeter!… (meer)
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A sweet slice-of-life romance (with adults instead of high school or college age people) with a lot of reality in in. The art isn't slick, but it has its own charm and certainly conveys emotions. The characters are well developed -- special for a manga that is relatively short -- and their internal lives make the story interesting. I will be diving into the second book soon. ( )
  Murphy-Jacobs | May 10, 2024 |
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A visit to a pancake shop leads to an unexpected May-December romance that breathes life into the monotonous routine of an older salaryman. The daily grind both soothes and troubles older salaryman Nozue, until an unexpected visit to a pancake shop with his blunt younger coworker shakes things up! At 39 years old, Nozue lives a routine, if not melancholic, life of sleep and work. Togawa, his younger subordinate, finds it troubling and takes it upon himself to shake up Nozue's routine. During a lunch outing, the two go to a pancake shop full of exuberant young ladies to "do what girls do," and it's just the thing to breathe life into Nozue. The two men start an unlikely friendship--and perhaps something a little sweeter!

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Gemiddelde: (4.42)
3.5 1
4 6
5 6

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