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Zero Sum: Stories

door Joyce Carol Oates

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554485,957 (4.15)3
"A brilliant young philosophy student bent on seducing her famous philosopher-mentor finds herself outmaneuvered; diabolically clever high school girls wreak a particularly apt sort of vengeance on sexual predators in their community; a man returns from the dead to haunt his grieving wife; a young mother finds herself captivated by her own motherhood. In the collection's longest story, a much-praised writer cruelly experiments with "drafts" of his own suicide. In these powerfully wrought stories that hold a mirror up to our time, Joyce Carol Oates has created a world of erotic obsession, thwarted idealism, and ever-shifting identities. Provocative and stunning, Zero Sum reinforces Oates's standing as a literary treasure and an artist of the mysterious interior life"--… (meer)
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“Game theory is a paradigm of life, unless life is a paradigm of game theory.”

Zero Sum by Joyce Carol Oates is a collection of twelve short stories that revolve around themes of obsession, loss, motherhood, mental health, and much more. Crisp writing, insightful observations on the human condition and an honest, almost brutal look into the darker side of human relationships and emotions make for an absorbing read.

In the first story, Zero-Sum (3.5), we meet a graduate student whose desire to impress her professor triggers a downward spiral. In Mr. Stickum (4), a group of teenagers devises an elaborate plan to punish sexual predators in their town who prey on trafficked young girls.

Lovesick (4) revolves around a young woman who confides in her former lover about receiving threatening messages from an unknown person, triggering conflicting reactions within her confidante. In Sparrow(3.75), a shocking family secret comes to light when a young woman discovers an old photograph while helping her elderly mother move into an assisted living facility.

We meet a woman who struggles to recover after a miscarriage in The Cold(4).
Take me, I am Free (3.5) depicts a darker side of motherhood where a mother, unhappy with her young daughter, attempts to give her away.

The Suicide(3.5) is a bleak, almost stream-of-consciousness narrative that delves into the mind of a writer who contemplates taking his own life. Dark and immersive, this is the longest story (a novella, to be precise) in the collection.

In The Baby-Monitor(3.5) A new mother is conflicted over the need for her baby’s safety and her need to enjoy her privacy.Monstersister(3.5) revolves around a young girl whose family dynamic shifts after bizarre events follow the discovery of a strange growth on her head.

A Theory Pre-Post-mortem (2.5) follows a couple whose recent vacation exposes them to a deadly virus. In This is Not a Drill (4), A dystopian take on a pandemic-ravaged world where the desire for human connection pushes a man to take desperate measures to interact with the outside world. M A R T H E: A Referendum (4) takes us into a futuristic setting inhabited by AI citizens.

As with most short story collections, this was a mixed bag for me. I found a few of the stories captivating, others not so much! But overall, predominantly dark and disturbing, with genres ranging from family drama to dystopian/speculative fiction, this collection is a testimonial to the author’s exceptional diverse range and writing prowess.

Many thanks to Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor and NetGalley for the digital review copy. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

“Unhappiness looks to the past. Happiness, to the future.” ( )
  srms.reads | Sep 4, 2023 |
There are several reasons one has to admire Joyce Carol Oates. She is a highly acclaimed and prolific writer, known for her vast literary output that spans a variety of styles and genres. Her work delves into the depths of human nature, exploring dark and unsettling themes that captivate readers.

Zero-Sum is a collection of twelve short stories that revolve around the theme of zero-sum games, where one person’s gain is another person’s loss. Like many of Oates’s other works, Zero-Sum delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche. It explores themes, such as obsession, power, loss, motherhood, manipulation, mental health, and ever-shifting identities. Oates fearlessly tackles complex and often taboo topics, challenging the readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the human condition and their perceptions of the world.

One of the defining characteristics of Oates’s writing is her ability to create complex, flawed, and multi-dimensional characters. In Zero-Sum, we are introduced to a diverse range of individuals, each struggling with their own internal conflicts. For instance, we encounter a brilliant young philosophy student who is struggling with her own desires and the manipulative influence of her mentor. A woman who is suffering with postpartum depression and anxiety and becomes obsessed with her baby monitor, and a suicidal writer, an homage to the writer David Foster Wallace, who had a complex relationship with obsession and struggled with depression.

"Each story that I write is a challenge, and it's a new exploration." - Joyce Carol Oates

Oates’s writing has always pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms. Her characters highlight the complexities of ambition, power dynamics, and the moral dilemmas one may face when pursuing their goals. Oates’s ability to create such compelling characters adds depth and authenticity to her stories, leaving a lasting impact on readers. ( )
  Maquina_Lectora | Sep 2, 2023 |
Is there any type of writing that Joyce Carol Oates doesn’t knock out of the park? Any genre, any form? Her skills are best displayed when she delves into the mysteries of the human mind and the behaviors that follow. She accesses those recesses better than anyone. Which explains why she has won the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Life Achievement award, among many others. ZERO SUM, a collection of powerful and spellbinding short stories, is the perfect example of her skills. If you are a fan, these stories will burnish your love of her writing. If not, this is an excellent introduction to the works of one of America’s greatest writers. I could not recommend this more highly. ( )
  DPLyle | May 15, 2023 |
Another exceptional collection by the brilliant,prolific writer Joyce Carol Oates.vAt the centre of the collection is a phenomenal novella told from the perspective of a suicidal writer. The language that takes the reader along the journey of this very troubled mind-a stream of consciousness litany of pain is beautifully rendered. A story The Baby monitor travels to another realm where what is real becomes painfully surreal. Oates as always writes with complete compassion and commitment to her work. A great collection thoroughly enjoyed by me. ( )
  alans | Apr 9, 2023 |
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"A brilliant young philosophy student bent on seducing her famous philosopher-mentor finds herself outmaneuvered; diabolically clever high school girls wreak a particularly apt sort of vengeance on sexual predators in their community; a man returns from the dead to haunt his grieving wife; a young mother finds herself captivated by her own motherhood. In the collection's longest story, a much-praised writer cruelly experiments with "drafts" of his own suicide. In these powerfully wrought stories that hold a mirror up to our time, Joyce Carol Oates has created a world of erotic obsession, thwarted idealism, and ever-shifting identities. Provocative and stunning, Zero Sum reinforces Oates's standing as a literary treasure and an artist of the mysterious interior life"--

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