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Squeaky Clean

door Callum McSorley

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1811,225,447 (3.9)Geen
Half the Glasgow polis think DI Alison McCoist is bent. The other half just think she's a fuck-up. No one thinks very much at all about carwash employee Davey Burnet, until one day he takes the wrong customer's motor for a ride. One kidnapping later, he and the carwash are officially part of Glasgow's criminal underworld, working for a psychopath who enjoys playing games like 'Keep Yer Kneecaps' with any poor bastard who crosses him. Can Davey escape from the gang's clutches with his kneecaps and life intact? Perhaps this polis Ally McCoist who keeps nosing around the carwash could help. That's if she doesn't get herself killed first.… (meer)
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DI Alison (Ally) McCoist is relegated to menial duties after she went over her boss' head in a botched investigation. Whilst cleared of wrong-doing she has to deal with complaints against a TV licence enforcer which draws her to a car wash in the city centre. Davey runs late for a court appointment so he 'borrows' a car in for valeting - big mistake and now he is being threatened by various gangsters and is having to clean up after murders. Paulo McGuin is living the high life, a king pin in the crime hierarchy in Glasgow he believes he is untouchable.
What a great book this is! OK, it takes a fair bit of working through the vernacular Glasgow dialogue but the plot is clever and tight. Also there is a wonderful streak of very dark humour running throughout which is brilliant. It's not a gently book but it is gripping. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Jun 23, 2024 |
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Half the Glasgow polis think DI Alison McCoist is bent. The other half just think she's a fuck-up. No one thinks very much at all about carwash employee Davey Burnet, until one day he takes the wrong customer's motor for a ride. One kidnapping later, he and the carwash are officially part of Glasgow's criminal underworld, working for a psychopath who enjoys playing games like 'Keep Yer Kneecaps' with any poor bastard who crosses him. Can Davey escape from the gang's clutches with his kneecaps and life intact? Perhaps this polis Ally McCoist who keeps nosing around the carwash could help. That's if she doesn't get herself killed first.

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5 2

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