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Here Comes the Sun! (1924)

door Emilie Loring

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691396,242 (4.14)19
"The last of the six Lorraine girls unmarried, daring young Julie has been summoned to the coast of Maine, where her Aunt Martha has consulted the stars to find her a suitable match. Julie fully intends to prove her wrong, but, just as her train is departing, she jumps off to save a runaway dog and is left behind. A sudden storm forces her to take refuge in an old cabin, where she is surprised to encounter a candidate for the state senate and the current state senator, who has a reputation for dirty politics. Julie has walked into a web of smuggling, blackmail, and political intrigue . . . one she may not get out of alive." --provided by Goodreads.… (meer)
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Not a general reader of romances, I happened to pick this up and was captivated by the first situation. Remarkably entertaining read for the genre.
  2wonderY | Jun 20, 2011 |
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“The sense of the world is short, - / Long and various the report, - / To love and be beloved;/ Men and gods have not outlearned it; / And, how oft soe’er they’ve turned it, / “Tis not to be improved. “ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
The engine shrieked a warning. Porters shouted, “All aboard!” As the train shivered into action, a black cocker spaniel jumped from the baggage-car. Long ears flopping, red tongue hanging, the blue tag at his color flapping, he dashed into a trail which zigzagged up the hillside. With an exclamation of dismay a girl on the step of the Pullman jumped to the ground and gave chase. The man on the forward platform of the car behind executed a spectacular leap and followed. The conductor of the train yelled a protest.
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Wikipedia in het Engels


"The last of the six Lorraine girls unmarried, daring young Julie has been summoned to the coast of Maine, where her Aunt Martha has consulted the stars to find her a suitable match. Julie fully intends to prove her wrong, but, just as her train is departing, she jumps off to save a runaway dog and is left behind. A sudden storm forces her to take refuge in an old cabin, where she is surprised to encounter a candidate for the state senate and the current state senator, who has a reputation for dirty politics. Julie has walked into a web of smuggling, blackmail, and political intrigue . . . one she may not get out of alive." --provided by Goodreads.

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