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Opulence and Ashes (A Gilded Gotham Mystery)

door Kate Belli

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2121,086,983 (4.3)1
The rich are getting richer-and stone-cold dead-in the next installment in Kate Belli's thrilling Gilded Gotham Mystery series, for fans of Rhys Bowen and Deanna Raybourn. Spring, 1890. The long New York winter is over, the buds are blossoming, and romance is in the air. But not all's right in Gilded-Age Manhattan. Genevieve, a society journalist, and her fiancé, Daniel, are working with photographer Dagmar Hansen on an investigation into the House of Refuge, a children's workhouse, inspired by Daniel's near incarceration when he was young. Genevieve is also working on her own piece for the Globe about the Sunflower Mission House, which burned down in a suspicious fire. When a blaze consumes Dagmar's studio-and Genevieve barely escapes with her life in another-Daniel urges her to stop her investigation. But Genevieve is determined to finish the story, and her leads take her deep into the heart of the Bowery. When Genevieve suddenly goes missing, Daniel searches the city in a desperate effort to find her. When their new Fifth Avenue home is also set ablaze, Daniel fears the worst. Someone has their sights on Genevieve-and if she can't escape, she could be the next to go up in flames.… (meer)
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Opulence And Ashes is the fourth book in The Gilded Githam Mystery series by Kate Belli.

New York 1890

The wedding of Genevive and Daniel is only weeks away, and they are excited for that day to come. They are working on separate projects. Genievive is looking into a suspicious fire at a boarding house for black women who have escaped to New York City for a better life. This interview will lead Genevieve to a midwife dispensing information on birth control and whom the police have under constant observation. On a second visit, Genevive gets locked in the basement, and the house is set on fire; luckily, she can escape with only smoke inhalation.

Daniel is working with a photographer, Dagmar, and together, they are investigating young boys' workhouse conditions. While Daniel and Dagmar are developing the day's photographs, someone sets the studio on fire. Daniel can get them out; he only suffers minor injuries, whereas Dagmar requires that he go to the hospital.

Then Genevive goes missing. Daniel is beside himself and starts to scour the streets of New York City, looking for Genevieve. He calls on her family for help. Daniel also calls on his old friends from the Five Point area. Daniel is forever hopeful that he will find Genevive unharmed and they can proceed with their marriage. In addition, a man who claims to be his brother has arrived in town, but is he really?

This series is one of my favorite historical cozy mysteries. The stories are well-written and seem to be historically accurate. The characters are well-developed, very believable, and engaging. There were enough red herrings that I was guessing until the end as to the identity of the killer.

I can’t wait for the next book in this exciting series. ( )
  FredYoder | Oct 17, 2023 |
photographer, wealthy, wedding, journalist, law-enforcement, family-dynamics, family-drama, family-history, business-partners, amateur-sleuth, class-consciousness, NYC, historical-novel, historical-figures, historical-places-events, historical-research, history-and-culture, arson, 1889, thriller, suspense, suspicion, cozy-crime, friendship, newspapers, angst, misogynistic-era, missing-persons, attempted-murder, threats, gangs, corruption, social-history, social-injustice, social-issues, series, riveting*****

I love this series! I was intrigued by the photographer who might have been patterned after Jacob Riis.
Genevieve and Daniel are my heroes and since I geek history and enjoy NYC...
The publisher's blurb is a good hook so there is no need for recap and spoilers are just wrong. Fascinating characters, twisty plot, red herrings that would frighten a fish monger, and a truly riveting story. Loved it!
I requested and received an EARC from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jul 9, 2023 |
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The rich are getting richer-and stone-cold dead-in the next installment in Kate Belli's thrilling Gilded Gotham Mystery series, for fans of Rhys Bowen and Deanna Raybourn. Spring, 1890. The long New York winter is over, the buds are blossoming, and romance is in the air. But not all's right in Gilded-Age Manhattan. Genevieve, a society journalist, and her fiancé, Daniel, are working with photographer Dagmar Hansen on an investigation into the House of Refuge, a children's workhouse, inspired by Daniel's near incarceration when he was young. Genevieve is also working on her own piece for the Globe about the Sunflower Mission House, which burned down in a suspicious fire. When a blaze consumes Dagmar's studio-and Genevieve barely escapes with her life in another-Daniel urges her to stop her investigation. But Genevieve is determined to finish the story, and her leads take her deep into the heart of the Bowery. When Genevieve suddenly goes missing, Daniel searches the city in a desperate effort to find her. When their new Fifth Avenue home is also set ablaze, Daniel fears the worst. Someone has their sights on Genevieve-and if she can't escape, she could be the next to go up in flames.

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Kate Belli is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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