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Selling Blue Elephants: How to make great products that people want BEFORE they even know they want them

door Howard R. Moskowitz

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Really great products and really huge successes don’t come from focus groups! And if you simply rely on trial and error, or guesswork, you’ll lose far more often than you’ll win. Now, there’s a solution: Rule Developing Experimentation (RDE), the first systematized, disciplined, solution-oriented business process of experimentation . In Selling Blue Elephants , RDE’s creators reveal how to systematically design, test, and modify alternative ideas, packages, products, and services, to discover offerings your customers will be passionate about...even if they can’t articulate the need, much less the solution! Discover the seven easy steps that take you from cluelessness to clarity in just days... sometimes even hours . Watch RDE succeeding in companies ranging from Hewlett-Packard to Campbell’s, MasterCard to Maxwell House... and learn how to get the same outstanding results yourself, one step at a time, every time! Discover “how the world works” in your market Reveal the hidden rules that define your next breakthrough product Create prototypes that answer the right questions, fast Get at the truths your customers don’t know how to tell you Use automated tools to streamline the entire process Streamline your research, and get actionable answers in just days Extend RDE value throughout the enterprise From messaging to corporate communications to investor behavior… (meer)
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The authors argue Rule Developing Experimentation (RDE) is the key to developing new products.

Unfortunately for shareholders, during the past 15 years marketers have dominated product development. The result: more than 90 per cent of product launches and re-launches fail.

RDE is a process of designing, testing and modifying alternative ideas, packages, products, or services. It is disciplined. It reveals to the developer and marketer what appeals to the customer, even if the customer can't articulate the need.

It contains seven steps:

1. Consider the problem; identify features that may comprise solutions.
2. Mix and match the features in experimental designs.
3. Show the prototypes to consumers.
4. Analyze their reactions.
5. Optimize your prototypes.
6. Identify attitudinal population segments.
7. Apply the rules to create new products.

Howard Moskowitz is experimental psychologist in the field of psychophysics. Alex Gofman is widely published, technology-oriented experimental psychologist. They argue RDE delivers cost-effective actionable results tied to business directives. As a shareholder, I argue, RDE is worth a try.

Penned by the Pointed Pundit
September 18, 2007
8:17:22 PM ( )
  PointedPundit | Mar 23, 2008 |
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Really great products and really huge successes don’t come from focus groups! And if you simply rely on trial and error, or guesswork, you’ll lose far more often than you’ll win. Now, there’s a solution: Rule Developing Experimentation (RDE), the first systematized, disciplined, solution-oriented business process of experimentation . In Selling Blue Elephants , RDE’s creators reveal how to systematically design, test, and modify alternative ideas, packages, products, and services, to discover offerings your customers will be passionate about...even if they can’t articulate the need, much less the solution! Discover the seven easy steps that take you from cluelessness to clarity in just days... sometimes even hours . Watch RDE succeeding in companies ranging from Hewlett-Packard to Campbell’s, MasterCard to Maxwell House... and learn how to get the same outstanding results yourself, one step at a time, every time! Discover “how the world works” in your market Reveal the hidden rules that define your next breakthrough product Create prototypes that answer the right questions, fast Get at the truths your customers don’t know how to tell you Use automated tools to streamline the entire process Streamline your research, and get actionable answers in just days Extend RDE value throughout the enterprise From messaging to corporate communications to investor behavior

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