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Archangel's Lineage

door Nalini Singh

Reeksen: Guild Hunter (16)

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727381,207 (4.18)5
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh's dangerous and beautiful world of archangels, vampires, and mortals has never faced a threat this cataclysmic . . . Raphael and Elena are experiencing their first ever year of true peace. No war. No horrors of archangelic power. No nightmares given flesh. Until . . . the earth beneath the Refuge begins to tremble, endangering not only angelkind's precious and fragile young, but the very place that has held their most innocent safe for eons. Amid the chaos, Elena's father suffers a violent heart attack that threatens to extinguish their last chance to heal the bonds between them and make sense of the ruins of their agonizing shared history. Even as Elena battles grief, Raphael is torn from her side by the sudden disappearance of an archangel. But worse yet is to come. An Ancestor, an angel unlike any other, stirs from his Sleep to warn the Cadre of a darkness so terrible that it causes empires to fall and civilizations to vanish. This time, even the Cadre itself may not be able to stop a ticking clock that is counting down at frightening speed . . . Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
An interesting twist and turn through the lives of the Cadre. Will they find a way to heal the mantle and save the world? Who is this mysterious angel that looks like a dragon and created the legion? This was a great read and wrapped up a great number of storylines. If this was the end of the series it was a great ending but I hope to see Elena and Raphael again! ( )
  FlowerBrookCottage | Jul 29, 2024 |
Was it just me or was everyone else crying for the entire last chapter? I hope this isn't the end of the series. I love the series and what it to keep going forever. But if it is the last one it does make for a good stopping point. We find out why there has been all the heartache, loss, pain and fear the characters have gone thru throughout the series. Things are settled in the Archangel world and in the mortal world for most and it brings a sense of closure. But I'm a greedy gus and want more! LOL

This series is one of my absolute favorites. As soon as I read the first book at my local library I knew I was going to buy the entire series and I have.

( )
  Shawnee904 | Jul 24, 2024 |
The Guild Hunter series is not my favorite of Singh’s, but this was still an enjoyable quick read. I do think that the books are a bit too heavy on pathos. ( )
  FlorenceArt | Jul 21, 2024 |
My Review (May contain spoilers, fair warning upon reading this review)

Archangel's Lineage is a powerful read here. I absolutely had a fun time returning to Raphael and Elena in this fun adventure. I always love the books where we get back to this couple. But I will say that even though we got some fun times with Raphael and Elena, it felt different from previous books that we have had of them together. I really wanted to love this more than I did, but there were some side plots that I just didn't seem invested in.

The serial plot of this story was so fascinating and I am very curious to see where Nalini Singh is going with this one here. I really was intrigued because we get a character connected to the legion and I am really like this dude haha But we also get some interesting aspects happening to Elena's family that really adds some depth to her character in ways that I didn't expect to see. But I also was endeared in how it grows the relationship between Elena and Raphael. We also see aspects of the serial plot and we are seeing growth of their connection being key to everything. I absolutely adored it dearly.Now while it wasn't perfect, it was still a super solid read and it was refreshing to get back to one of my favorite couples.

Overall I found Archangel's Lineage to be a powerful story that continue the epic love story of Raphael and Elena and the serial growth of this world. A WILD GEM OF A READ! ( )
  addictofromance | May 22, 2024 |
This was a great book. It takes place some 10+ years after the final battle in Archangel's War.

It doesn't leave you with cliffhangers, questions or unresolved feelings. It pretty much wraps up everything, but I don't get the feeling that it is the last of the series. However, if it wanted to be the last book in the series it could be.

Now all that there is to see is new storylines. There will be a need for new Archangels, the ones that are still healing from the great war are still healing and not up, they need to rise. There is a lot of room for new things to happen. Also, since it takes place about 10 years after the "Great War" those who were still young have grown enough to be worthy of more time and storylines.

Elana's sister Eve has graduated from the Guild Acadamy so we could see her fighting
Sara's daughter Maggie has grown into a superb weapons' maker like her father Deacon
Vivek has his own little storyline here as well and I would LOVE to see a book following the possible romance building in it.

Yes. The old storylines, hurts, concerns everything. All cleared up.

Get your tissues. ( )
  Library_Breeder | Apr 25, 2024 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh's dangerous and beautiful world of archangels, vampires, and mortals has never faced a threat this cataclysmic . . . Raphael and Elena are experiencing their first ever year of true peace. No war. No horrors of archangelic power. No nightmares given flesh. Until . . . the earth beneath the Refuge begins to tremble, endangering not only angelkind's precious and fragile young, but the very place that has held their most innocent safe for eons. Amid the chaos, Elena's father suffers a violent heart attack that threatens to extinguish their last chance to heal the bonds between them and make sense of the ruins of their agonizing shared history. Even as Elena battles grief, Raphael is torn from her side by the sudden disappearance of an archangel. But worse yet is to come. An Ancestor, an angel unlike any other, stirs from his Sleep to warn the Cadre of a darkness so terrible that it causes empires to fall and civilizations to vanish. This time, even the Cadre itself may not be able to stop a ticking clock that is counting down at frightening speed . . . Contains mature themes.

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Gemiddelde: (4.18)
2.5 1
3 1
3.5 2
4 6
4.5 1
5 6

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