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Metal Angel

door Nancy Springer

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981286,244 (3.71)4
A dissatisfied angel falls to Earth to pursue his long-held dream of becoming a heavy-metal rock 'n' roll god For Volos, heaven is a bore; the real action is in the world of mortals. So the restless celestial abandons the eternal realm, transforming himself into a beautiful, decadent example of the human male while keeping his wings intact, and sets out to become a rock star. Needing appropriate lyrics for his soon-to-be hit singles and having no firsthand experience with mortal emotions and concerns, Volos finds everything he needs in the personal writings of a sexually repressed wife and mother from the Bible Belt. The daughter of a tyrannical fundamentalist preacher, Angie composes poetry in secret, and she is shocked when she hears her own words on the radio. Surely a higher power is calling her to Los Angeles. But the music is leading her to a shining star who is more than a man yet less than human--a true soulmate capable of changing her world in ways she never could have imagined.   Multiple award-winning fantasist Nancy Springer reinvigorates the fallen-angel trope in a delightfully inventive and thought-provoking story of a celestial being who is unhappy in the service of a distant and unapproachable God. Metal Angel is an enthralling exploration of belief, spirituality, sexual awakening, and superstardom.… (meer)
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Nancy Springer has come a long way as a writer since her early work, which I loved at the time but find hard going now because the writing was just not that good. But this one is really good, about an angry angel who imagines himself human...except he forgets about his wings, and so becomes a helluva sensation in LA as the coolest rock and roll star ever. Naturally, he attracts all kinds of attention, not all of it good, and so the book teaches many life lessons to all concerned, and the reader, too. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good read that will stick with you. ( )
  ecolenca | Sep 1, 2011 |
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"Holy hell, this guy sings like an angel in heat." --Deejay, WSAY, Cassandra, Alabama
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To my angel
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He incarnated on an L.A. rooftop with no onlooker but the ever-galloping Marlboro Man, who watched, indifferent, as he imagined himself into being.
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A dissatisfied angel falls to Earth to pursue his long-held dream of becoming a heavy-metal rock 'n' roll god For Volos, heaven is a bore; the real action is in the world of mortals. So the restless celestial abandons the eternal realm, transforming himself into a beautiful, decadent example of the human male while keeping his wings intact, and sets out to become a rock star. Needing appropriate lyrics for his soon-to-be hit singles and having no firsthand experience with mortal emotions and concerns, Volos finds everything he needs in the personal writings of a sexually repressed wife and mother from the Bible Belt. The daughter of a tyrannical fundamentalist preacher, Angie composes poetry in secret, and she is shocked when she hears her own words on the radio. Surely a higher power is calling her to Los Angeles. But the music is leading her to a shining star who is more than a man yet less than human--a true soulmate capable of changing her world in ways she never could have imagined.   Multiple award-winning fantasist Nancy Springer reinvigorates the fallen-angel trope in a delightfully inventive and thought-provoking story of a celestial being who is unhappy in the service of a distant and unapproachable God. Metal Angel is an enthralling exploration of belief, spirituality, sexual awakening, and superstardom.

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