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A Botanical Daughter

door Noah Medlock

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1042275,573 (3.94)Geen
It is an unusual thing, to live in a botanical garden. But Simon and Gregor are an unusual pair of gentlemen. Hidden away in their glass sanctuary from the disapproving tattle of Victorian London, they are free to follow their own interests without interference. For Simon, this means long hours in the dark basement workshop, working his taxidermical art. Gregor's business is exotic plants-lucrative, but harmless enough. Until his latest acquisition, a strange fungus which shows signs of intellect beyond any plant he's seen, inspires him to attempt a masterwork: true intelligent life from plant matter. Driven by the glory he'll earn from the Royal Horticultural Society for such an achievement, Gregor ignores the flaws in his plan: that intelligence cannot be controlled; that plants cannot be reasoned with; and that the only way his plant-beast will flourish is if he uses a recently deceased corpse for the substrate. The experiment-or Chloe, as she is named-outstrips even Gregor's expectations, entangling their strange household. But as Gregor's experiment flourishes, he wilts under the cost of keeping it hidden from jealous eyes. The mycelium grows apace in this sultry greenhouse. But who is cultivating whom?… (meer)
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Two gay dads and their gay adopted daughters plus murderous flora.
Gave gothic plants with lotsa queer love.
But it lacked emotional depth for me and I found it dragged a bit. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
What a debut novel of pure imagination, a dash of decadence, a little sauciness mixed with some electrifying horror creates the truly unforgettable Botanical Daughter. Simon and Gregory, more than just friends, live in the surreal botanical environment that is Grimfern, a vast greenhouse of living plants. Simon occupies the basement with his taxidermy workstation, and Gregory the upper level of this glass sanctuary. Gregory dreams of success at the Royal Horticultural Society and his experiments have led him to believe that there could be intelligent life within plants. Within his haven a lone orchid appears to have a fungal guardian shielding the fragrant petals from direct sunlight…..” A shallow glass bowl about a foot in diameter contained an inch of soil and a seething mass of sinews. These tendrils caressed and cocooned a gorgeous orchid”.....As part of his vision and to ensure a successful outcome of this most outlandish of experiments, Gregory needs a human corpse to act as a “substrate” thus incubating the orchid and fungus and combining their intelligence……Gregory will then be recognised as a true genius by the RHS merging plant life and human brilliance.

There is certainly a nod to Frankenstein in the revealing of this tale, but I thought the storytelling and the use of language was exceptional and highly entertaining. The cast of characters from the unfortunate Julian Mallory the current President of RHS ( whose position Gregory aspires to) and the delightfully named Rosalinda Smeralda-Bland…”a sumptuous woman of continental extraction” all add to the readability and the delightful sequence of events as they unfold. Those readers who crave a little spilling of blood will not be disappointed and the final scenes create a perfect conclusion to an amazing story. An exceptional debut novel and one that I enjoyed very much. ( )
  runner56 | Jan 11, 2024 |
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It is an unusual thing, to live in a botanical garden. But Simon and Gregor are an unusual pair of gentlemen. Hidden away in their glass sanctuary from the disapproving tattle of Victorian London, they are free to follow their own interests without interference. For Simon, this means long hours in the dark basement workshop, working his taxidermical art. Gregor's business is exotic plants-lucrative, but harmless enough. Until his latest acquisition, a strange fungus which shows signs of intellect beyond any plant he's seen, inspires him to attempt a masterwork: true intelligent life from plant matter. Driven by the glory he'll earn from the Royal Horticultural Society for such an achievement, Gregor ignores the flaws in his plan: that intelligence cannot be controlled; that plants cannot be reasoned with; and that the only way his plant-beast will flourish is if he uses a recently deceased corpse for the substrate. The experiment-or Chloe, as she is named-outstrips even Gregor's expectations, entangling their strange household. But as Gregor's experiment flourishes, he wilts under the cost of keeping it hidden from jealous eyes. The mycelium grows apace in this sultry greenhouse. But who is cultivating whom?

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
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5 3

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