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Cold Vengeance: (An FBI Profiler Romantic Suspense Cold Case Thriller Series) (Ryland & St. Clair)

door Nancy Mehl

Reeksen: Ryland & St. Clair (3)

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259945,914 (4.22)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Christian Fiction. As former FBI analysts turned private investigators, River Ryland and Tony St. Clair are hired to find a missing crime blogger known for investigating cold cases. As they work through the woman's latest case, they awaken an unknown killer who will stop at nothing to carry out a deadly plan.… (meer)
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Cold Vengeance is the final book in a 3-part series by Nancy Mehl. Romantic suspense is the genre, and Mehl delivers on both. The novels feature River Ryland and Tony St. Clair, FBI behavioral analysts turned private investigators. The series follows the two as they tackle cold cases. There’s also a serial killer who stalks River through the 3 books — complex plotting reigns! I especially liked Cold Vengeance not only because the mystery that has been present throughout the series is finally revealed, but because River and Tony investigate their hardest case to date — a missing podcaster who also investigates cold cases. Besides looking for April Bailey, River and Tony delve into April’s cold cases. Sound complicated? It is a bit, but I loved how Mehl handled the various story lines — I was never confused and always engaged. The romance side of the story develops naturally. There is chemistry between the two main characters from the beginning, but it’s not rushed, making it feel true to life. Relationships is a big theme in Cold Vengeance. The author looks at the positives and the negatives, showing how every action impacts the growth of an individual. The most important relationship one can have, the one with God, is presented as well. The spiritual themes are strong and woven seamlessly within the narrative.

Of all the books in this series, Cold Vengeance is my favorite. It really should not be read by itself though, so you are in luck — lots of great reading ahead! I’m also hoping this will not be the last we see of River and Tony, and April really needs her own series too!


Audience: Adults.

(I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley. All opinions expressed are mine alone.) ( )
  vintagebeckie | Aug 27, 2024 |
Tony and River are on a fresh case but their heckles are still raised knowing that River is still in a madman’s crosshairs. The memories of what she’s been through continue to accost her mind and she tries to focus and move on, each painful memory torturous, but your girl is a fighter and pushes through to the bitter end.

Though I haven’t had a chance to read the first two novels in this series, yet the author does a wonderful job of interweaving parts of the first two installments into this narrative. It gives the reader a taste of what has happened in the past while flowing right along with the current investigation, so you never feel left out of the loop.

I really liked the organic banter between Tony and River. It’s clear that they have a chemistry that feels natural and have a great deal of respect and admiration for one another without being over the top. I appreciated how both of them used their faith to hold one another up, even quoting Scripture for strength. These moments were quite powerful to me.

The multilayers of this story are what really made this novel stand out. Having the cold cases interwoven into the missing person case was great and the serial killer stalker was the horrifying cherry on top and took it to a whole other level. Once I hit the halfway mark, I could not put it down and read it straight through to the end. The only thing I regret is not reading the first two novels in this series first! This was a fantastic read with a satisfying ending and is a clean Christian suspense that I highly recommend.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Jul 26, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
My review of Cold Vengeance by Nancy Mehl

WOW! What an ending to this three book Ryland and St. Clair series by Nancy Mehl. Cold Vengeance it beyond what I was expecting for this book. Nancy Mehl has pulled out all of the stops writing this book. It is full of mystery, chills and thrills, romance and suspense. I absolutely could not put this book down. I had one of those *all night readings and jumped at every sound I heard.*

Mehl creates more characters for this story, and brings back ones from the first books, so that makes for knowing a lot of main and secondary characters. As this story unfolds, the characters take their places and Ms. Mehl fills the pages with such wonderful, vivid details your head will be spinning as you come up for air. The time it takes to properly research the happenings in this story is phenomenal and I am enjoying every minute of it. This is one series I will keep and read over again. It's just too good not to give it a second chance.
I am giving Cold Vengeance by Nancy Mehl Five Stars and it so much deserves more. I highly encourage you to check out books one and two, Cold Pursuit and Cold Threat to read first. Where the three books can be read as a stand alone, I think you would enjoy the series more by reading them in order.

I want to thank LibraryThing and Bethany House for a copy of this book to read and review. This review it totally my own opinions and thoughts. ( )
  ibjoy1953 | Jul 25, 2024 |
Cold Vengeance, by Nancy Mehl, is the third book in the Ryland & St. Claire series. This is Contemporary Christian story that is filled with non-stop action and suspense. It is well written, easy to imagine and hard to put down. I enjoyed catching back up with River and Tony as well as the other law enforcement characters they reach out to for help. I enjoyed seeing how the blogger was giving information regarding past crimes and how those crimes were being looked into because of her disappearance. I was surprised by who was behind the bloggers disappearance as well.

This is a great story. Not only is it a suspenseful crime story it is also a great story of growing relationships, forgiveness and looking toward the future. I especially enjoyed the parts of River and her family. I like how the author wrote in about River's mother's progressive health condition, how it affected her and those around her and how the mother planned for her future.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of, this is my honest review. ( )
  eccl | Jul 24, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This one was much better! I still think maybe I'm just not the right audience, but this book was definitely an improvement over the first in the trilogy. This one also had the unique privilege of being the conclusion and allowed for River to look back at the previous cases and experience she's had in the field. From her time with Tony to an FBI agent to now, a lot has happened, and this chance to work through how those things brought it full circle and getting to see River contemplate that and just what brings her and her partner Tony to this exciting finale was fun to see. I also found this book overall much more enjoyable and palatable than the first! I actually found myself enjoying the story, the mystery was interesting, but seeing Tony and River working together as a team, and seeing River finally accept the life she was always meant for was a wonderful story in itself, and was really my favorite part of this one!
  Bookslesstravelled2 | Jul 24, 2024 |
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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Christian Fiction. As former FBI analysts turned private investigators, River Ryland and Tony St. Clair are hired to find a missing crime blogger known for investigating cold cases. As they work through the woman's latest case, they awaken an unknown killer who will stop at nothing to carry out a deadly plan.

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