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The Alone Time

door Elle Marr

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743371,837 (3.17)Geen
"Fiona and Violet Seng were just children when their family's Cessna crash-landed in the Washington wilderness, claiming the lives of their parents. For twelve harrowing weeks, the girls fended for themselves before being rescued. Twenty-five years later, they're still trying to move on from the trauma. Fiona repurposes it into controversial works of art. Violet has battled addiction and failed relationships to finally progress toward normalcy as a writer. The estranged sisters never speak about what they call their Alone Time in the wild. They wouldn't dare-until they become the subject of a documentary that renews public fascination with the "girl survivors" and questions their version of the events. When disturbing details about the Seng family are exposed, a strange woman claims to know the crash was deliberate. Fiona and Violet must come together to face the horrifying truth of what happened out there and what they learned about their parents and themselves. Before any other secrets emerge from the woods"--… (meer)
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I'm really sorry to say that I just plain did NOT like this entire story...I wasn't sure where it was heading as we went back and forth in time but I never really liked any of the characters and the ending???? Ugh..... ( )
  nyiper | May 12, 2024 |
Elle Marr's 'The Alone Time' is a riveting exploration of family trauma and secrets. Two sisters, Fiona and Violet, survived a wilderness ordeal as children, but the past comes back to haunt them when disturbing details surface. Marr's skillful storytelling and authentic characters keep readers hooked as they unravel the mysteries hidden in the wilderness and within their family. Gripping and emotionally resonant, 'The Alone Time' is a must-read for fans of suspense and family drama. ( )
  Mrsmommybooknerd | May 10, 2024 |
This well told psychological suspense story started off slow but picked up speed quickly. It's told in alternating chapters by the two sister and the parents. The two sisters chapters go between present day and the day of the plane crash but we only have chapters from the parents during and immediately after the crash.

Twenty five years before the beginning of the novel, Fiona and Violet Seng were in a plane crash with their parents in a small Cessna. The plane crashed in the middle of nowhere in the Washington State wilderness.
and the parents were killed. The two young girls fended for themselves for twelve weeks before they were rescued. This 12 week period is what they refer to in later years as the alone time. Now they are grown but the trauma of the crash still affects each of them. Fiona lives a very solitary life and is an artist who re-purposes leaves and feathers and other natural items into art work. Violet has led a life of addiction and bad boyfriends but is now back in college hoping to become a writer. They work very hard to keep the story of the crash quiet but when they find out that someone is planning a documentary about it, they realize that they need to find a way that their version of the truth of the accident stays the way it has been for all of those years...but it seems that there is new information that is causing their version of what happened to look like a lie. After being estranged from each other for several years, the two sister realize that they need to work together to keep the real truth from being exposed. They've never really talked to each other about their 'alone time' but now is the time to find out what really happened to them and their parents. The truth of what really happened comes out slowly as the two sisters begin to remember things about that time and there are several surprises along the way. What is the real truth??

This book was a roller coaster ride that got bogged down in the middle but in the last 25% picked up speed again to a satisfying ending. I plan to check out some of the author's previous book that are highly reviewed on goodreads. ( )
  susan0316 | Apr 28, 2024 |
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"Fiona and Violet Seng were just children when their family's Cessna crash-landed in the Washington wilderness, claiming the lives of their parents. For twelve harrowing weeks, the girls fended for themselves before being rescued. Twenty-five years later, they're still trying to move on from the trauma. Fiona repurposes it into controversial works of art. Violet has battled addiction and failed relationships to finally progress toward normalcy as a writer. The estranged sisters never speak about what they call their Alone Time in the wild. They wouldn't dare-until they become the subject of a documentary that renews public fascination with the "girl survivors" and questions their version of the events. When disturbing details about the Seng family are exposed, a strange woman claims to know the crash was deliberate. Fiona and Violet must come together to face the horrifying truth of what happened out there and what they learned about their parents and themselves. Before any other secrets emerge from the woods"--

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