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The F**k It! List

door Melanie Cantor

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523,046,135 (3.75)Geen
Uplifting, funny and heartwarming- the story of a woman finding herself suddenly alone at 40 and rebuilding her life on her own terms. Daisy Settle has it all. A successful interior design firm, a happy relationship, a beautiful house and adoring friends and family. The only piece left to complete the puzzle is a baby. And even that finally seems within reach. That is, until she finds her boyfriend is a cheat. Now 40, alone and in a world that seems built for couples, Daisy has a choice. She could wait for the right man to come along or... She could go SOLO. Witty and moving, Daisy Goes Solo is the joyous story of a woman taking on the world on her own terms.… (meer)
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Back in 2019 I read Melanie Cantor's first book, Life and Other Happy Endings (I read it as Death and Other Happy Endings before the title was changed). I loved it and I've always hung onto my copy hoping that another Cantor would join it and here it is! I'm delighted to say I loved The F**k It List just as much, if not more.

Daisy Settle has a really good life. She's running a very successful interior design company with her friend, Marcus, and she's in a happy long-term relationship with high-flying businessman, Jack. The only thing left to make her truly content is a baby and one of those is hopefully the next step for her and Jack. Unfortunately, Daisy catches Jack in flagrante at her own fortieth birthday party and she sees her dream floating away from her.

Daisy is an inspirational character and I loved her for the fact that she doesn't just curl up in a ball and think that her hopes and dreams are gone forever. To give any more details would spoil the story but let's just say that Daisy and her f**k it list grab life by the horns and give it a good shake. There are some other brilliant characters too - Daisy's family, some of whom struggle with her choices, her friends who are a big support to her, and there's a male character who made me swoon every time he appeared on the page.

I found this book such a joyful and uplifting read, one that is witty, but also moving and very real. It's a slice of life story and they're probably one of my favourite kind of story. I like to read of characters dealing with life's ups and downs and coming out the other side stronger. I also enjoyed Daisy's challenge of convention: who needs a man to have a baby? Indeed! I hope there will be a third Cantor book to join the others at some point. I loved, loved, loved The F**k It List. ( )
  nicx27 | May 19, 2024 |
Daisy Settle and her husband Jack made a deal when they got married, starting a family would be delayed until Jack will be able to sell his successful but demanding hotel business assuring them of financial security and the time to devote to raising a child, or children. With the terms of the agreement now met, Daisy is thrilled to finally have the opportunity to fulfil her life long dream of motherhood, and as she celebrates her fortieth birthday among family and friends, her future looks golden…until the moment she stumbles upon her husband having sex with another woman in her front garden.

Devastated, Daisy is forced to make some difficult choices, and with the support of friends, if not her conservative family, and a F**k It list she decides that motherhood is one dream she refuses to let go of.

Daisy’s journey through heartbreak, regret, fear and triumph is sure to stoke empathy, especially among readers who can relate to the challenging circumstances Daisy encounters. Though Daisy is far from ‘broke’ and there are some legal issues related to IVF and marital status that are ignored, Cantor’s portrayal of Daisy is realistic. The authenticity of Daisy’s emotions, especially surrounding a particular event I unfortunately have experience of, resonated with me. I appreciated the candour with regards to Daisy’s flaws, she doesn’t have everything figured out but she’s brave enough to chase her dream anyway.

Though perhaps a tad long overall at 400+ pages, the pacing is good, as is the writing. The humour is perhaps less obvious than I expected from the blurb, and Cantor explores several sensitive subjects that may catch a reader unaware. There is no romance in the story, but there is the development of a special friendship which is charming.

I liked The F**k It List!, it delivers an encouraging and uplifting message about it never being too late to start over, this is chick lit for the mature women. ( )
  shelleyraec | Feb 4, 2024 |
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Uplifting, funny and heartwarming- the story of a woman finding herself suddenly alone at 40 and rebuilding her life on her own terms. Daisy Settle has it all. A successful interior design firm, a happy relationship, a beautiful house and adoring friends and family. The only piece left to complete the puzzle is a baby. And even that finally seems within reach. That is, until she finds her boyfriend is a cheat. Now 40, alone and in a world that seems built for couples, Daisy has a choice. She could wait for the right man to come along or... She could go SOLO. Witty and moving, Daisy Goes Solo is the joyous story of a woman taking on the world on her own terms.

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