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Finding Home

door Susan K. Macias

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543,046,135 (4.25)Geen
What if achieving your dream means destroying your family and obtaining your desire means losing who you love?In 1st century Galilee, two Jewish brothers face this dilemma. Seth pursues a rigid and divisive rabbi who teaches strict adherence to the law. Judah plots an escape from traditions that constrict him. And they both run from their father, but in opposite directions.As Judah strives to make his dreams a reality, he makes a shocking request that tears his family apart and divides their community. Will his newfound wealth bring him success or disaster?Experience a captivating journey through 1st century Galilee, praised by readers as "a spiritual experience embedded in pure drama." If you loved "The Chosen", you won't want to miss this powerful story.Discover a tale that will mesmerize your mind and just might heal your heart. Experience this unforgettable journey for yourself.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorJoy62, grammy57, Louanne, Sassyjd32, EarlyReviewers
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Toon 4 van 4
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Finding Home fait référence au fils prodigue de l'Evangile et Susan K Macias illustre parfaitement cet amour inconditionnel qui lie le père à ses deux fils.
Cependant, j'ai trouvé la lecture ardue, car le vocabulaire choisi est tout à fait inadapté à notre siècle et cela impacte profondément la compréhension de l'histoire, qui en devient anachronique.

Ce récit purement biblique passionnera certainement tout ceux à la recherche de la Foi véritable basée sur les fondations du judaïsme lors du siècle premier en Galilée !
Exaltant bien que difficile à lire, me concernant, le sujet brûlant de la famille divisée déchire le coeur avec une rare intensité, les émotions à leurs paroxysme.

Une fresque qui plonge le lecteur dans la vie de cette famille judéenne qui conservait et respectait par la transmission orale les histoires et les enseignements scripturaires.
Un volumineux récit de fiction historique qui explore les failles qui lézardent la légende familiale opposant le père et ses fils, tout en brandissant des convictions religieuses éprouvées, tel un cri du coeur ! Les prémisces pour tenter de comprendre les mutations d'Israël.

Lisez-le ! ( )
  Louanne | Jun 27, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Wow. I'm still processing this book. It touched my heart on so many levels. The writing is extraordinary. I was literally transported to cities like Ephesus , Meron, and Sepphoris at the time period of AD 19-20. I could hear the lambs that were waiting for sacrifice and smell the roasting meat and baking bread!

The complete symbolism of Abba and God the Father blew me away. I have heard the story of the prodigal son since I was in Sunday school, but this book took it to new depths. The love and forgiveness that Abba poured out continuously on his sons brought tears to my eyes. "I give you everything, my possessions, this home, the groves, the vineyards and sheep. Everything is yours. But even more, all my heart is yours, I hold nothing back."

The characters are relatable in so many ways. Abba is so generous, loving, forgiving, sincere, compassionate, and giving. Hadassah is a woman of strength. Pavlos is an encouraging and caring man. The brothers- Judah and Seth. Each struggle with various issues. Their stubbornness and pride almost tear their family to pieces.

I recommend this book to everyone. The lessons learned by the brothers are relatable. The scriptures used throughout the entire book are inspiring and encouraging! I will definitely be reading it again to see what more I can glean!

I won this book from the author via LibraryThing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

( )
  Sassyjd32 | Jun 20, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is an enjoyable story based on the Prodigal Son. The chapters alternated point-of-views, including POV from beloved servants.

This was set in the years before Jesus began preaching, making it fit perfectly into Jesus’ parable. The book brings the parable to life. I was thinking, “Oh, that’s why the older brother acted that way.” Or for the younger son’s father: “He never stopped loving his boy” (even though the older son wanted to think of his brother as dead).

Overall good read! This is an honest review in exchange for the free copy. I recommend this book! Solid 4 stars. ( )
  Joy62 | Jun 18, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I enjoyed this book. It gave a new perspective on the parable of the prodigal son. The characters were fairly well developed. Especially the father and oldest son were well done. The story flowed fairly well. It went between the main characters telling things from their perspective. Sometimes I felt it got a bit bogged down, especially towards the end, but overall it flowed quite well. The one thing I really disliked was the use of modern-day language. The characters too often used phrases we use today and it just did not fit well with the story. There were also a few editing/grammar issues that I hope will be resolved. Overall I give this a 4-star review. I'd give 3.5 if allowed. I would recommend this to my friends. I was given a copy through LibraryThing and was not required to leave a review. These thoughts are totally my own and freely given. ( )
  grammy57 | Jun 15, 2024 |
Toon 4 van 4
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What if achieving your dream means destroying your family and obtaining your desire means losing who you love?In 1st century Galilee, two Jewish brothers face this dilemma. Seth pursues a rigid and divisive rabbi who teaches strict adherence to the law. Judah plots an escape from traditions that constrict him. And they both run from their father, but in opposite directions.As Judah strives to make his dreams a reality, he makes a shocking request that tears his family apart and divides their community. Will his newfound wealth bring him success or disaster?Experience a captivating journey through 1st century Galilee, praised by readers as "a spiritual experience embedded in pure drama." If you loved "The Chosen", you won't want to miss this powerful story.Discover a tale that will mesmerize your mind and just might heal your heart. Experience this unforgettable journey for yourself.

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Susan K. Macias's boek Finding Home was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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