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Bones Buried Deep

door Emma Jameson

Reeksen: Dr. Benjamin Bones (4)

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I don't know what to think of this story. Maybe because of what's happening in the world today it's difficult to read about Jewish hatred during WWII. Ben is asked to examine a body found floating downstream in the river and he's determined the man was tortured and died before his body was put in upstream. The dead man was Jewish and a friend of a Jewish detective in Plymouth and he enlists Ben and Julia's help in finding the murderer(s). Meanwhile, Julia is helping her "estranged" husband who is a spy trying to infiltrate a group of German spies. ( )
  Kathy89 | May 26, 2024 |
Bones Buried Deep: a Romantic Wartime Mystery is written by Emma Jameson. The title is Book #4 in the Dr. Benjamin Bones series.
Bones Buried Deep follows Bones in the Blackout - Bones at the Manor House - Bones Takes a Holiday.
“It’s June 1940 in the quaint English village of Birdswing. Amidst the chaos of World War II, Dr. Benjamin Bones and Lady Juliet find themselves embroiled in a captivating mystery. As they welcome young evacuees from London and contend with personal struggles, a sinister shadow emerges from the past.”
I like this series very much. There are historical and cultural references, a great location (Cornwall), good characterizations, dialogues and plot points. There are many serious thought-provoking moments, also.
I recommend this series, especial this particular title, Bones Buried Deep. *****
I also recommend Ms. Jameson’s other series, The Lord & Lady Hetheridge Mysteries and the Jem Jago Mysteries. ( )
  diana.hauser | May 20, 2024 |
So glad to finally get another in this series. It was a long wait but worth it.

Dr. Bones and Lady Juliet can't seem to catch a break in their personal lives, and then a body is found caught in the debris under a bridge between Linton land and Bodmin. Dr. Bones is called out to the body, and, of course, he and Lady Juliet, along with others are investigating the murder.

Murderers, fascists, gangsters, policemen, clashing villagers, twists and turns. There's never a dull moment!

A great fourth book in the series. It's not necessary to have read the preceding books, but characters and relationships grow and develop throughout, so it's more enjoyable to me having read from the beginning. ( )
  mitchma | May 8, 2024 |
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