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Laura Ingalls Wilder

door Alexandra Wallner

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17417162,426 (3.69)22
A biography of the well-known author of "The Little House on the Prairie," describing the pioneer experiences that provided the basis for much of her writing.
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1-5 van 17 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I enjoyed this book; it stated off like a basic bibliography, so I was not interested at first but reading further into the book grabbed my attention. I have learned about the settlers moving West, all of the hard times they encountered along the way, and stories of once they arrived to their destination, but I have never read a personal story from someone who was involved in moving West. Laura went through a lot as a young child something todays children or myself have never experienced, so reading her encounters are amazing. She moved so many times it was crazy, but her family never gave up hope they just kept pushing. Once she met her lover and husband Manly, her life changed. She had to move a couple times with Manly because he was ill and the snow storms whipped out their homes and crops, but after that her life settled down. They bought a piece of land and created a farm. She began her writing career writing stories of her life until she was published into a newspaper. She then became a author and created many books based off her life; the books were all hits. Laura wrote "It is still best to be honest and truthful: to make the most of what we have; to be happy with the simplest pleasures and to be cheerful and have courage when things go wrong. I wanted the children now to understand things about the beginnings of things, to know what is behind the things they see-what made America as we know it." Her message was at the end of the book; the reader didn't have to search find the meaning in this book, which I loved. ( )
  CameronYoung | Jan 22, 2020 |
This is a short and simple biography illustrating Laura Ingalls Wilder’s pioneer experiences, and how her writing was inspired by her own life. Having read her Pioneer Girl book, published as an annotated autobiography, I know that this biography is a very sanitized version of what pioneer life was truly like. I also think covering such a broad range of time in such a small book made it lack a lot of substance. However, I know the book is for children and the details given can give them a general introduction to her life and works. ( )
  MegWilliams | Mar 19, 2019 |
This book is very simple and fairytale-ish. I could not resonate with the people in the story, it felt as if I was reading a fiction book. The biography mentioned hardship that Laura and her family encountered and although one person's struggles should not be compared to another's, I felt as if Laura lived a very boring, very easy life compared to people of color during her time. Laura Ingalls Wilder is an author of many children's book that center around "simple lifestyles" or life on a farm/prairie etc. After moving from place to place as a kid, she married and settle down in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. It was in Missouri that Laura began to write to newspapers and create award-winning children's books. She died at the age of ninety. ( )
  AConverse | Jan 28, 2019 |
The author did a great job writing and illustrating the book. Each page had a very detailed illustration. Some things in the book you had to look at the pictures to understand what was happening. The pictures for sure went along with the words beautifully.The author made it where everything could be understood. It was simplified great for all readers. This book went through all of Laura's hardships, and also successes, like when she learned to read and write. It kind of listed the general things that happened in her life. ( )
  RikkiPerkins | Jan 31, 2018 |
This book is an amazing way to start an introduction into the Little house books. Laura Ingalls was a true Pioneer, her books depict the life Laura had. Laura is a true inspiration for an American Pioneer. We learn a little how people of that time lived. Laura lived a dramatic nomadic life. Constantly plagued with heart ache, devastation but her family never stop pursuing their dream until they reached their dream. Arriving in town in Dakota changed the Ingalls fortune. Laura got a teaching certificate at a young age and starting teaching for many years until she met the man that came to be her husband. This books gives great facts that a reader can relate to in her books. We learn that Laura went from writing in her journal to magazine to eventually becoming a published writer. Laura Wilder is a true American Hero. ( )
  Rvalencia | Jan 25, 2018 |
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A biography of the well-known author of "The Little House on the Prairie," describing the pioneer experiences that provided the basis for much of her writing.

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