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The Summer Swap

door Sarah Morgan

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Cecilia Lapthorne always vowed she'd never go back to Dune Cottage. So no one is more surprised than Cecilia to find herself escaping her own seventieth birthday party to return to the remote but beautiful cottage on Cape Cod--a place filled with memories. Some are good--especially memories of the early days with her husband, volatile artist Cameron, before his fame eclipsed their marriage. But then there are the memories she has revealed to no one. Especially not her daughter, Kristen, who hero-worshipped her father. For aspiring artist Lily, Dune Cottage has been a refuge, albeit an illicit one. After dropping out of medical school, she's cleaning houses on the Cape to get by, guilt-ridden for disappointing her parents. Unoccupied for years, the cottage seemed the perfect place to hide away and lick her wounds--until Cecilia unexpectedly arrives. Despite an awkward beginning, Lily accepts Cecilia's invitation to stay on as her guest, and a flicker of kinship ignites. Then Cecilia's grandson, Todd--and Lily's unrequited crush--shows up, sending a shock wave through their unlikely friendship. Will it inspire Lily to find the courage to live the life she wants? Can Cecilia finally let go of the past to find a new future? Because as surely as the tide erases past footprints, this summer is offering both Cecilia and Lily the chance to swap old dreams for new...… (meer)

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Sometimes, I need a feel-good story that goes where you expect it does and ends where you expect it to. All the boxes get checked. All the loose ends get tied up. All the stories work out. This book fits that bill. The Summer Swap set in a beautiful Cape Code setting is a lovely summer escape and a perfect casual beach read.

Read my complete review at

Reviewed for NetGalley and a publisher’s blog tour. ( )
  njmom3 | May 21, 2024 |
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Cecilia Lapthorne always vowed she'd never go back to Dune Cottage. So no one is more surprised than Cecilia to find herself escaping her own seventieth birthday party to return to the remote but beautiful cottage on Cape Cod--a place filled with memories. Some are good--especially memories of the early days with her husband, volatile artist Cameron, before his fame eclipsed their marriage. But then there are the memories she has revealed to no one. Especially not her daughter, Kristen, who hero-worshipped her father. For aspiring artist Lily, Dune Cottage has been a refuge, albeit an illicit one. After dropping out of medical school, she's cleaning houses on the Cape to get by, guilt-ridden for disappointing her parents. Unoccupied for years, the cottage seemed the perfect place to hide away and lick her wounds--until Cecilia unexpectedly arrives. Despite an awkward beginning, Lily accepts Cecilia's invitation to stay on as her guest, and a flicker of kinship ignites. Then Cecilia's grandson, Todd--and Lily's unrequited crush--shows up, sending a shock wave through their unlikely friendship. Will it inspire Lily to find the courage to live the life she wants? Can Cecilia finally let go of the past to find a new future? Because as surely as the tide erases past footprints, this summer is offering both Cecilia and Lily the chance to swap old dreams for new...

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