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Thriving on Vague Objectives (2005)

door Scott Adams

Reeksen: Dilbert (26)

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2013139,983 (4.02)1
"I think that idiot bosses are timeless, and as long as there are annoying people in the world, I won't run out of material."--Scott Adams Dilbert and the gang are back for this 26th collection, Thriving on Vague Objectives. Adams has his finger on the pulse of cubicle dwellers across the globe. No one delivers more laughs or captures the reality of the 9 to 5 worker better than Dilbert, Dogbert, Catbert, and a cast of stupefying office stereotypes--which is why there are millions of fans of the Dilbert comic strip. Dilbert is a techno-man stuck in a dead-end job (sound familiar?). Power-mad Dogbert strives to take over the world and enslave the humans. The most intelligent person in Dilbert's world is his trash collector, who knows everything about everything. Artist and creator Scott Adams started Dilbert as a doodle when he worked as a bank teller. He continued doodling when he was upgraded to a cubicle for a major telecommunications company. His boss (no telling if he was pointy-haired or not) suggested the name Dilbert. Adams is so dead-on accurate in his depictions of office life that he has been accused of spying on Corporate America.… (meer)
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Another funny collection. In particular this book features a few appearances by Topper. ( )
  rabbitprincess | Mar 12, 2011 |
Another fine collection of "Dilbert" toons. Adams never fails to impress; such longevity and consistency of hilarity is truly rare - and to boot, most of the strips lampooning the corporate office are dead on target. ( )
  burnit99 | Dec 25, 2006 |
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Dilbert (26)
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"I think that idiot bosses are timeless, and as long as there are annoying people in the world, I won't run out of material."--Scott Adams Dilbert and the gang are back for this 26th collection, Thriving on Vague Objectives. Adams has his finger on the pulse of cubicle dwellers across the globe. No one delivers more laughs or captures the reality of the 9 to 5 worker better than Dilbert, Dogbert, Catbert, and a cast of stupefying office stereotypes--which is why there are millions of fans of the Dilbert comic strip. Dilbert is a techno-man stuck in a dead-end job (sound familiar?). Power-mad Dogbert strives to take over the world and enslave the humans. The most intelligent person in Dilbert's world is his trash collector, who knows everything about everything. Artist and creator Scott Adams started Dilbert as a doodle when he worked as a bank teller. He continued doodling when he was upgraded to a cubicle for a major telecommunications company. His boss (no telling if he was pointy-haired or not) suggested the name Dilbert. Adams is so dead-on accurate in his depictions of office life that he has been accused of spying on Corporate America.

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Gemiddelde: (4.02)
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 1
4 8
4.5 5
5 6

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