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Altered Art (2004)

door Terry Taylor

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2354118,714 (3.94)1
A fast-growing craft trend, handled by experts. Choose an object,a cigar box, playing cards, an old album cover,and use it as a creative starting point to make beautiful and entirely new items to display and use: that's altered art, and it's the fastest-growing trend in the craft world today. Here is the first book to explore the full range of its possibilities, from turning a vintage board game into a nostalgic wall hanging to creating whimsical art dolls from children's blocks. Take a look at the artistic traditions that inspired this movement, and see how to use the crafter's familiar tools, materials, and processes in entirely new ways. Paint, collage, pierce, sew, and cut the pages of an old book. Change an ordinary candy tin into a charming decorative storage case with paper scraps, metal grommets, and paint. The possibilities are infinite.… (meer)
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Altered art is simply the result of taking a found object and changing it in some intriguing or surprising way to make an artistic statement of your own (book jacket).

Some of the items in the book are really bizarre, but it strengths come from the variety of techniques shown to making your own altered art project. An interesting read in-and-of itself as well as an art instruction book with simple instructions and illustrations. I will put this book aside and go out and find interesting do-dads and then come back and attempt to make beautiful works of odd and fascinating art. ( )
  pjburnswriter | Aug 6, 2020 |
This was the book that started my obsession with altered art books. Love it. ( )
  aputel | May 18, 2015 |
Tremendously inspiring! A range of techniques and media with lots of instructions, material tutorials and galleries to encourage and inspire. Highly recommended for beginning and advanced artists in the altered/mixed media fields! ( )
  jenspirko | Apr 1, 2013 |
  mbugler | Mar 6, 2011 |
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But how does one know what a certain object will tell another? - Joseph Cornell
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I can pinpoint the time - the week of December 15 1967 - when I became transfixed with the idea of using ordinary objects to create art, even though it would be some 20 years before I actually did so.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

A fast-growing craft trend, handled by experts. Choose an object,a cigar box, playing cards, an old album cover,and use it as a creative starting point to make beautiful and entirely new items to display and use: that's altered art, and it's the fastest-growing trend in the craft world today. Here is the first book to explore the full range of its possibilities, from turning a vintage board game into a nostalgic wall hanging to creating whimsical art dolls from children's blocks. Take a look at the artistic traditions that inspired this movement, and see how to use the crafter's familiar tools, materials, and processes in entirely new ways. Paint, collage, pierce, sew, and cut the pages of an old book. Change an ordinary candy tin into a charming decorative storage case with paper scraps, metal grommets, and paint. The possibilities are infinite.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
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2 1
3 10
3.5 2
4 12
5 13

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