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How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less

door Nicholas Boothman

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5641444,286 (3.08)2
Family & Relationships. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

Whether meeting a new client or bumping into a potential mate, you only have a few seconds to make a favorable impression. Is that really possible? Author Nicholas Boothman, a lecturer and licensed master practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, believes yes! He introduces a revolutionary approach to face-to-face communication that will help anyone succeed at making meaningful, and immediate, connections. Whether selling, managing, job hunting, negotiating, pitching an idea, applying for law school, joining a new group, or on your knees with a marriage proposal, the secret of success is based on connecting with other people. And the most powerful new idea for making connections is revealed, step by step, in Nicholas Boothman's breakthrough program of rapport by design. Easily learned, it will help you make the best of any relationship's most important moment: those first 90 seconds!

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This book had some useful information but overall was neither scientific nor original. Most of the advice consisted of obvious actions such as , make eye contact , establish rapport by mimicking body language, and actively listen. In addition to that there was some new age section about directing your energy towards the other person. The author even describes an exercise where you shoot energy towards the other person and they are supposed to guess from where the energy is coming , e.g. head ,heart etc. All I could think at this point was ,"Okay are beams going to shoot from my forehead? " Finally , although the author directs the reader on how to approach shy people he never gives advice on how shy people can use his methods. The book didn't help me , a shy introvert, at all. ( )
  em1973 | Jan 3, 2022 |
Strange at some points (more touchy-feely than I'm used to). Several good tips ( )
  Mike_B | Oct 22, 2020 |
A lot of cliches. Goes out to tell you that you are half a person in serch of your other half to be complete. Romantic and childish theories. ( )
  deo808 | Oct 5, 2019 |
Reads like a textbook. ( )
  Wendy_Wang | Sep 28, 2019 |
Reads like a textbook. ( )
  Jason.Ong.Wicky | Oct 9, 2018 |
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Family & Relationships. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

Whether meeting a new client or bumping into a potential mate, you only have a few seconds to make a favorable impression. Is that really possible? Author Nicholas Boothman, a lecturer and licensed master practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, believes yes! He introduces a revolutionary approach to face-to-face communication that will help anyone succeed at making meaningful, and immediate, connections. Whether selling, managing, job hunting, negotiating, pitching an idea, applying for law school, joining a new group, or on your knees with a marriage proposal, the secret of success is based on connecting with other people. And the most powerful new idea for making connections is revealed, step by step, in Nicholas Boothman's breakthrough program of rapport by design. Easily learned, it will help you make the best of any relationship's most important moment: those first 90 seconds!


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Gemiddelde: (3.08)
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3.5 5
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5 4

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