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Stuart Britain: A Very Short Introduction

door John Morrill

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2104133,733 (3.46)4
John Morrill shows how in the Stuart century, a century of Revolution, political, religious, social and economic changes came together.
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Toon 4 van 4
It does what it says on the tin, though for "Stuart Britain", read the Civil War. It did help me get a handle on the basics of the politics at the time (Irish secondary school history mostly deals with this period from the perspective of "That Cromwell, what a bastard", which I can't necessarily disagree with), but less so when it came to the people who inhabited Stuart Britain. For something published in 2000, this still hews very much to the Great Man school of history—emphasis on the male, for women show up hardly at all. ( )
  siriaeve | Jun 30, 2014 |
Not quite what it says on the tin. It only covers the Stuarts down to the Glorious Revolution in 1688. A good mixture of a reign by reign description of what happened and chapters following economic, social, artistic, and religious themes. ( )
  Robertgreaves | Aug 13, 2011 |
First published as part of the best-selling The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, John Morrill's Very Short Introduction to Stuart Britain sets the Revolution into its political, religious, social, economic, intellectual, and cultural contexts. It thus seeks to integrate what most other surveys pull apart. It gives a graphic account of the effects of a century-long period during which population was growing inexorably and faster than both the food supply and the employment market. It looks at the failed attempts of successive governments to make all those under their authority obedient members of a unified national church; it looks at how Charles I blundered into a civil war which then took on a terrifying momentum of its own. The result was his trial and execution, the abolition of the monarchy, the house of lords, the bishops, the prayer book and the celebration of Christmas. As a result everything else that people took for granted came up for challenge, and this book shows how painfully and with what difficulty order and obedience was restored.

John Morrill has been Professor of British and Irish History at the University of Cambridge since 1998. He has also been a Fellow since 1975 and Vice master since 1994 of Selwyn College, Cambridge. His publications include The Nature of the English Revolution (1994), The British Problem 1534-1707 (1996), The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor and Stuart Britain (1996), and Revolt in the Provinces (1998). He is also General Editor of The History of Britain, Ireland and the British Overseas on CD-ROM.
Deze recensie is door meerdere gebruikers gemarkeerd als misbruik van de servicevoorwaarden en wordt niet langer weergegeven (tonen).
  antimuzak | Nov 3, 2007 |
Toon 4 van 4
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The Stuarts were one of England's least successful dynasties.
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John Morrill shows how in the Stuart century, a century of Revolution, political, religious, social and economic changes came together.

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