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Treasure Quests (d20 System)

door James M. Ward

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"Treasure Quests" by James M. Ward.

Printed and Distributed by Fast Forward Entertainment.

ISBN-10: 0-971-3234-7-X -- 160 Pages.

Treasure Chests is one of my favorite books by Fast Forward Entertainment!

First of all - the spiral-bound lay-flat binding is a stroke of genius! This tome can be opened to any page and will not lose that page!

The fantastic Table of Contents in the front of the book also serves as an Index. Generally, I prefer books with both a Table of Contents and an Index, but this Table of Contents works for this book.

The short Preface, Introduction, and a two-page section about "How to Use this Book", make up the front matter.

There are thirteen chapters, starting with an adventure for beginning characters called "Village of Stret", and ending with an adventure called "Tomb of the Ancient Lords" that I would only recommend for level 13 PCs or higher. This means that if you decide to use all of this book, it would make a great campaign world all by itself!

Each of the chapters also has a black and white map of the area the players are in. The Table of Contents has a bold-faced name for each level, so you can find where you left off easily, and you can find an area that matches up with the average group's level quickly.

The thing I like the most about "Treasure Quests", is that the sections can also be used as individual adventures that a GM can insert into his campaign world. Stuck for an adventure for this week's game? Get out this book, find the chapter that matches up with the party's average level, and have a blast!

These Fast Forward Entertainment books rarely disappoint, and this one has one of my highest recommendations!
  gurpsgm | Jul 9, 2020 |

"Treasure Quests" by James M. Ward.

Printed and Distributed by Fast Forward Entertainment.

ISBN-10: 0-971-3234-7-X -- 160 Pages.

Treasure Chests is one of my favorite books by Fast Forward Entertainment!

First of all - the spiral-bound lay-flat binding is a stroke of genius! This tome can be opened to any page and will not lose that page!

The fantastic Table of Contents in the front of the book also serves as an Index. Generally, I prefer books with both a Table of Contents and an Index, but this Table of Contents works for this book.

The short Preface, Introduction, and a two-page section about "How to Use this Book", make up the front matter.

There are thirteen chapters, starting with an adventure for beginning characters called "Village of Stret", and ending with an adventure called "Tomb of the Ancient Lords" that I would only recommend for level 13 PCs or higher. This means that if you decide to use all of this book, it would make a great campaign world all by itself!

Each of the chapters also has a black and white map of the area the players are in. The Table of Contents has a bold-faced name for each level, so you can find where you left off easily, and you can find an area that matches up with the average group's level quickly.

The thing I like the most about "Treasure Quests", is that the sections can also be used as individual adventures that a GM can insert into his campaign world. Stuck for an adventure for this week's game? Get out this book, find the chapter that matches up with the party's average level, and have a blast!

These Fast Forward Entertainment books rarely disappoint, and this one has one of my highest recommendations!
toegevoegd door gurpsgm | bewerkGraydiations, Bruce Gray (Jul 9, 2020)
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