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The Exploits of Baron de Marbot

door Baron de Marbot

Reeksen: Napoleonic Library (11)

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1122251,783 (4.17)1
A hugely entertaining contemporaneous account of the Napoleonic Wars by a young officer who was eventually promoted to General on the eve of Waterloo. Abridged from the two-volume original of The Adventures of Baron de Marbot, the Exploits are edited to provide expert comment and essential background. The episodes are picaresque, anecdotal, packed with bravado, duels, deceptions, narrow escapes and derring-do.… (meer)
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"Here is Marbot at this end — the first of all soldier books in the world. This is the complete three-volume French edition, with red and gold cover, smart and debonnaire like its author. Here he is in one frontispiece with his pleasant, round, boyish face, as a Captain of his beloved Chasseurs. And here in the other is the grizzled old bull-dog as a full general, looking as full of fight as ever.
It was a real blow to me when some one began to throw doubts upon the authenticity of Marbot's memoirs. ...the gallant, the inimitable Marbot! His book is that which gives us the best picture by far of the Napoleonic soldiers, and to me they are even more interesting than their great leader, though his must ever be the most singular figure in history." --Through the Magic Door, p. 168-169
  ACDoyleLibrary | Jan 22, 2010 |
Readers of Conan Doyle's "Exploits and Adventures of Brigadier Gerard" (New York Review Books Classics) will want to read the real-life actions of Conan Doyle's model for Gerard as related in the Exploits of Baron de Marbot.

Marbot was the son of another Napoleonic general and The Exploits of Baron de Marbot details his rise from enlistment in the ranks up to general of the Hussars. Marbot writes clearly and concisely without flowery affectations, arcane discourses on military strategy, or lengthy self-justifcations. And what tales he has to tell! Marbot fought with Napoleon's armies across Europe from Italy and Austria to the Peninsular War and finally Waterloo. Marbot accomplished remarkable feats of skill and bravery. He suffered numerous injuries along the way. At one point, he awoke from an injury to find himself stripped of clothing and, being taken for dead, dragged toward an anonymous burial. Only an unlikely chain of events rescued him and put him on the slow path to recovery.

Marbot gives the reader hard-earned insight into life of light cavalry officer in Napoleon's army. The battle action is worthy of the finest historical novel as are his descriptions of camp life. The writing simply crackles with life. Highest recommendation. ( )
  dougwood57 | Dec 20, 2008 |
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You may call the feeling which urged us love of glory, or perhaps madness; it was an imperious master and we marched without looking back. 
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A hugely entertaining contemporaneous account of the Napoleonic Wars by a young officer who was eventually promoted to General on the eve of Waterloo. Abridged from the two-volume original of The Adventures of Baron de Marbot, the Exploits are edited to provide expert comment and essential background. The episodes are picaresque, anecdotal, packed with bravado, duels, deceptions, narrow escapes and derring-do.

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Gemiddelde: (4.17)
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5 4

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