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A Tale of Five Balloons

door Miriam Roth

Andere auteurs: Ora Eyal (Illustrator)

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296839,074 (4)Geen
"A Tale of Five Balloons is a favorite Israeli classic for toddlers. Lulus mother comes home with a wonderful surprise - five colorful balloons: green, yellow, purple, blue, and red. The kids are overwhelmed with joy until one by one, all of the balloons pop or fly away. They learn how to handle disappointment and loss"--… (meer)
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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A very adorable story, my niece loved it when I read it to her. It will leave a smile on your face. I am going to try and use it to teach colors to my niece. ( )
  AnrMarri | Jan 3, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A cute story with nice illustrations about five kids playing with five different colored balloons. I liked how the story rhymed, and that the only color was the color of the balloons in the illustrations. A quick read kids are sure to enjoy. ( )
  LilyRoseShadowlyn | Dec 25, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A Tale of Five Balloons is beautifully illustrated. The rhyming text would be fun to read to a child. That said, I was caught off-guard by the message of the story. In fact it is a story about loss.
The story is about several children each of whom has a balloon of a different color. It starts out when the first child's balloon breaks and the parent says "we'll get you another one." After that, however, as each child's balloon breaks, the message was less encouraging. "All balloons pop in the end...too bad." This is repeated along with the message 'you can say goodbye.' While I understand that such a lesson is sometimes necessary to teach, it is a difficult one especially for a very young child (the audience for which I assume this is intended).
The story ends with the children saying goodbye to the last balloon as it flies away (so at least one was not broken). Depending upon one's reason for wanting or needing such a story, I would only recommend this with that caveat. ( )
  slowloris | Oct 12, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Ms. Roth does an excellent job of teaching children to deal with the disappointment of loss -- a given throughout the course of our lives. The illustrator crafted excellent black and white children, while the balloons are in color which, of cours, helps them to stand out as the focus of the book. This rhyming book is excellent an I highly recommend it for young children. The ending reminds me of a mindfulness meditation I personally practie. (Great stuff!) Many thanks to LibraryTHing for allowing me to review this book pre-release. Janice M. Frum
  Jan336 | Sep 29, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is a cute story. My only problem was that I received a PDF copy of the story and it only showed one page at a time, so I had to constantly go back and forth between pages to get the whole picture and story. ( )
  dlathrop | Sep 6, 2023 |
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Miriam Rothprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Eyal, OraIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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"A Tale of Five Balloons is a favorite Israeli classic for toddlers. Lulus mother comes home with a wonderful surprise - five colorful balloons: green, yellow, purple, blue, and red. The kids are overwhelmed with joy until one by one, all of the balloons pop or fly away. They learn how to handle disappointment and loss"--

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