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The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia. Volume One, Part Two: From c. 1500 to c. 1800

door Nicholas Tarling

Reeksen: Cambridge History of Southeast Asia (Volume One, Part Two)

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431602,899 (4.1)Geen
Volume 2 discusses Southeast Asia's interaction with foreign countries during the period c. 1500 to c. 1800. Of specific interest is increased trade with China, India and Europe. The spread of Islam and Christianity in the period is shown to change Southeast Asia dramatically. A concluding chapter deals with the transitional nature of the late eighteenth century.… (meer)
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Not the best of the Cambridge histories. Relies too much on outdated and poorly cited sources, and probably due to its scope it's forced to be fairly abstract and comparative -- most of the chapters in this volume just aren't able to do the individual regions of Southeast Asia justice. Still gives a serviceable overview of a transformative period, which makes it basically irreplaceable if you're trying to establish timelines without relying on Wikipedia. ( )
  Roeghmann | Dec 8, 2019 |
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Volume 2 discusses Southeast Asia's interaction with foreign countries during the period c. 1500 to c. 1800. Of specific interest is increased trade with China, India and Europe. The spread of Islam and Christianity in the period is shown to change Southeast Asia dramatically. A concluding chapter deals with the transitional nature of the late eighteenth century.

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