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One Scary Night

door Antoine Guilloppé

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547493,961 (3.7)Geen
A young boy finds himself alone in the cold, dark forest with snow beginning to fall and it is spooky.
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  Kathrin.McCoy | Dec 3, 2017 |
Voici un album sans parole graphiquement très réussi. Antoine Guillopé joue ici avec deux couleurs, le noir et le blanc. Comme un théâtre d’ombre, l’illustrateur mêle les lignes et les formes, les creux et les traces. Antoine Guillopé pose d’emblée le décor : un jeune garçon revenant de l’école traverse, dans la neige, une forêt mystérieuse. Pourtant, dès la seconde page, on sait qu’à travers les fourrées, un loup guette. La peur, petit à petit, s’installe. Le paysage s’agrandit, le garçon presse le pas, le loup noir devient plus pressant, la rencontre est inévitable. Sous la neige et le froid, on croit à une bataille puis bientôt à la fin du petit garçon…Au dernier moment, on apprendra que le loup bondit pour sauver la vie du garçon. Un album d’une grande qualité, jouant avec les émotions comme avec les lignes. A dévorer tout simplement.

Dès 4 ans ( )
  Relais | Dec 19, 2014 |
This is a completely image-oriented story with no words included. The illustrations have a spooky vibe to them, which would be fun to read to young students around Halloween! This type of book (wordless stories) allow young readers to use their own imagination and interpret what is going on in the story. It's fun to see what kind of things children can come up with, and what they predict will happen!
  ErinnnPratt | Jun 9, 2014 |
I love this book! This is a picture book with no text throughout the book. It is only in black and white colors. This is a good book to introduce young audience and ask them questions about what is going on on each page and describe what is happening. This book can make students think! ( )
  McEvilla | Nov 17, 2012 |
Wordless picture books are wonderful way for children to use their imagination to create their own story. The classic black and white illustrations allow for even more imagination and could be turned into a coloring book (make copies of course). I would love to use this book in a classroom as a writing project. The other great thing about these is the story will never be the same. ( )
  linnaea44 | Dec 7, 2009 |
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A young boy finds himself alone in the cold, dark forest with snow beginning to fall and it is spooky.

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