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Ghost Walk

door Brian Keene

Reeksen: LeHorn's Hollow (2)

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2931793,343 (3.74)3
There are all kinds of legends about LeHorn's Hollow. Everything from ghosts to a goat man are said to haunt the woods. So it's the perfect place for Ken Ripple to set up his latest haunted attraction.
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1-5 van 17 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This was an excellent book! I enjoyed it almost as much as the first one! It starts out a little slow but it finally gets gripping to the point I didn't want to put it down. Been staying awake till early hours of the morning the last two nights as I wanted to find out what happens next! Not real scary, but it will keep you intrigued. I am looking forward to reading more books by Brian Keene. ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This is the only book by Keene that i have not liked. it felt very rushed and like a short story padded out to book length. none of the characters I cared about at all including one who rides a stick like a witch with a broom. And when it finally got to the scary part, well, it wasnt. Disappointing effort from an author I enjoy. ( )
  phollis68 | Apr 9, 2019 |
A dark drama that weaves you through several people's week. Centered around an attraction called Ghost Walk. An Amish(?) man with special gifts, leads an untrusting woman into acts that could save her world. A broken man haunted by the past tries to build a dream in honnor of his dead wife. A sick man doomed as a labeled psychopath, has to give something as an offering. Many people die, amny more could if not stopped. A true horror novel, scary, thoughtful and no time for romance.(come on the world may end)
The Amish man Levi is a great character, funny, intelligent, and full of secrets. I would love to see another book with him in it. I loved the way the book was written with each character having their own chapter in the begining. I really got to "see" each one iindependtaly. ( )
  TheYodamom | Jan 29, 2016 |
In case you weren't aware, GHOST WALK is kind of a sequel to DARK HOLLOW. Not really a traditional sequel but one involved in the same city and with the same characters. Keene has actually gone on record of saying that all his books are connected; to that degree, GHOST WALK becomes required reading to help explain how they are connected. Unfortunately as a standalone book, it is not that strong.

The story involves a hunter disturbing a circle of stones in a forest, a disturbance that in turn opens a gateway to another world. The world is now at risk and needs to be saved by an ex-Amish named Levi who is a user of powwow.

On the one hand, Keene's writing is incredible and enjoyable and this book continues to demonstrate his ability. It's a fun read and it's extra fun to see his novels be connected. On the other hand, I've had Keene's book engage and involve me much more than this one was able to; it's a bit disappointing to want a bit more and not quite get it. I would still recommend the book because a) we get introduced to Levi Stoltfuz, the protagonist of A GATHERING OF CROWS and a recurring character in Keene's stories, b) we have the connections across the books and worlds drawn clearer for us and c) even disappointing Keene stories are better than 90% of the stuff out there. ( )
  dagon12 | Mar 18, 2012 |
While this is set in the same area as Keene's previous work, Dark Hollow, it is not strictly a sequel, more a shared universe tale. For me, Mr. Keene is a pretty reliable author. When I pick up one of his books I can usually rely on him to deliver a really great and interesting tale. This time, unfortunately, I was not as thrilled with the product. I like the fact that his settings are generally in semi-rural Pennsylvania or the vicinity, I usually like his characterizations but for me this time I just never made the connection with any of the characters the way I generally do. This said I will continue to buy Mr. Keene's work as often as my budget allows because it's rare that he fails to deliver for me. ( )
  VirtualWord | Apr 5, 2011 |
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There are all kinds of legends about LeHorn's Hollow. Everything from ghosts to a goat man are said to haunt the woods. So it's the perfect place for Ken Ripple to set up his latest haunted attraction.

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Brian Keene is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.74)
1 1
2 3
2.5 2
3 20
3.5 6
4 26
4.5 1
5 15


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