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Bleeding Hearts, Corydalis, and Their Relatives

door Mark C. Tebbitt, Magnus Lidén (Auteur), Henrik Zetterlund (Auteur)

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Members of the bleeding heart family, such as the well-known Chinese bleeding heart, have long been among the best-loved flowers of the perennial border. In recent years, however, excitement about this group has reached fever pitch with the introduction of dozens of stunning new discoveries, particularly among the genus Corydalis. Super-hardy and adorned with blossoms in a spectrum of jewel-like colours, their popularity has surged to new heights. Despite this fame, however, and the long-standing interest in the bleeding heart family, little has been written about these versatile and easily grown plants until now. This thorough guide for gardeners and botanists covers all the cultivated species, hybrids, and cultivars of Corydalis, Dicentra, and allied genera in the bleeding heart family. Written by three international experts and published in association with Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the book features concise descriptions, useful keys to the genera and species that allow for accurate identification of plants, and practical tips to successfully grow and use the plants in the landscape. Additional chapters cover the cultural history, cultivation, natural history, and distribution of the species, while a helpful glossary clarifies botanical terms. Fifty elegant line drawings and 115 vivid photographs showcase the range of brilliant colours and shapes of these botanical gems. The authors' formidable expertise and knowledge of the plants in the wild and in cultivation make this a must-read for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the world of perennial plants.… (meer)
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in association with Brooklyn Botanic Garden
  jhawn | Jul 31, 2017 |
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Tebbitt, Mark C.Auteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Lidén, MagnusAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Zetterlund, HenrikAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Members of the bleeding heart family, such as the well-known Chinese bleeding heart, have long been among the best-loved flowers of the perennial border. In recent years, however, excitement about this group has reached fever pitch with the introduction of dozens of stunning new discoveries, particularly among the genus Corydalis. Super-hardy and adorned with blossoms in a spectrum of jewel-like colours, their popularity has surged to new heights. Despite this fame, however, and the long-standing interest in the bleeding heart family, little has been written about these versatile and easily grown plants until now. This thorough guide for gardeners and botanists covers all the cultivated species, hybrids, and cultivars of Corydalis, Dicentra, and allied genera in the bleeding heart family. Written by three international experts and published in association with Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the book features concise descriptions, useful keys to the genera and species that allow for accurate identification of plants, and practical tips to successfully grow and use the plants in the landscape. Additional chapters cover the cultural history, cultivation, natural history, and distribution of the species, while a helpful glossary clarifies botanical terms. Fifty elegant line drawings and 115 vivid photographs showcase the range of brilliant colours and shapes of these botanical gems. The authors' formidable expertise and knowledge of the plants in the wild and in cultivation make this a must-read for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the world of perennial plants.

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