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Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust

door Philippe Burrin

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532502,248 (2.6)Geen
One of the continuing puzzles of twentieth-century history is how Germany moved from a kind of anti-Semitism that was despicable, but did not seem exceedingly dangerous, to the Final Solution. This is a question that has been debated in recent years by historians who have come up with very different answers. In Nazi Anti-Semitism, Philippe Burrin, one of the leading historians of Nazi Germany, offers a new understanding of the evolution of Nazi thought and policy.… (meer)
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Il saggio affronta il problema della diversità intrinseca dell'antisemitismo e della novità della giudeofobia nazista. L'autore si interroga sulla ragione della diffusione dell'antisemitismo proprio in Germania, sui motivi che l'hanno reso norma dopo il 1933 e infine sul perché si sia giunti fino al massacro, pur in presenza di altre "soluzioni". Fattori generali e di lunga durata, come la modernità dell'amministrazione statale e la tecnologia. Ma anche fattori contingenti come la novità della giudeofobia nazista, che, dopo l'avvento al potere, segna una cesura integrando l'antisemitismo nell'opera di consolidamento del regime. La spiegazione dello sterminio si colloca nell'oscillazione della popolazione fra passività e complicità. (fonte: Google Books)
  MemorialeSardoShoah | May 9, 2020 |
Quelles que soient les qualités de P. Burrin (historien dont j'apprécie beaucoup l'apport) comment ne pas se plaindre de la pratique de sortir un recueil de trois conférences rapidement ficelées ensemble... Pour ceux qui achètent des versions électroniques le piège est gros on se rend très mal compte du volume du livre... ( )
  Nikoz | Jul 30, 2014 |
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Note : Reprend, sous une forme révisée, trois conférences données au Collège de France à l'initiative de la Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah, les 23 avril, 14 mai et 11 juin 2003
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One of the continuing puzzles of twentieth-century history is how Germany moved from a kind of anti-Semitism that was despicable, but did not seem exceedingly dangerous, to the Final Solution. This is a question that has been debated in recent years by historians who have come up with very different answers. In Nazi Anti-Semitism, Philippe Burrin, one of the leading historians of Nazi Germany, offers a new understanding of the evolution of Nazi thought and policy.

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