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door Cecily von Ziegesar

Reeksen: It Girl (7)

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Young Adult Fiction. HTML:It's Thanksgiving break at exclusive Waverly Academy, and everybody's feeling thankful . . . for the long weekend. New BFFs Jenny Humphrey and Tinsley Carmichael are determined to snap their glum but still uberstylish roomie Callie Vernon out of her funk-it's been weeks since her boyfriend Easy Walsh was kicked out of school, and they're sick of her moping. The plan: head to NYC for some R & R! And some SS (serious shopping).

But the girls quickly discover that a quiet holiday is not in store for them. A cozy Thanksgiving dinner turns into a three-day party with a few of their classmates-and some irresistible mystery guests. Jenny meets Mr. Right but is determined not to fall in love for the fourth time this fall. Tinsley has her own holiday mission: to win back adorable freshman Julian McCafferty. And Callie is holding out for Easy . . . which is hard to do with a cute college boy following her around. Brett Messerschmidt is missing in action-forced to spend Thanksgiving in her family's tacky Jersey McMansion. But drama's on the menu at the dinner table. And maybe love too.

Forget turkey and stuffing. When you're an It Girl, a holiday is just another
excuse to break out the bubbly.
… (meer)
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This wasn't a good one for me in the series, as much as it needed to happen, I can't help but want all of the books to be set in the school. I suppose that's because I want as many characters shoved together as possible creating as much havoc that they can muster. ( )
  katie1802 | May 10, 2014 |
When Jenny leaves he old school due to rumors and the chance of expulsion she end up at a preppy new school.

This is the WORST book I have yet to read in my life. I read 40 pages and could not read one more. The content was boring and sexual and i HATED it.

It Gir lwas writen so poorly. She used simple sentences in places that needed more description. I felt like I was going to die from boredom. There was no story line and no good vocabulary that made me think "wow that a cool word!" To me it felt that we were stuck in the same place the whole time. If we did move it was so quick and not one bit described. There is no description of the characters and i felt as if i was just dropped in to the book with no prior knowledge of the characters. I had no picture what Jennt or any other characters looked like in my head like I usually do. I had no clue what was going on the whole book.

Overall it was poorly writen, had no charcters and lacked anything interesting. I will not recommend his book and agree it belongs on the self of books about to burn in my classroom. ( )
  ctmsjero | Mar 4, 2012 |
These books are my total guilty reading pleasure. I know I'm older than the characters or the intended audience but there's just something about the stories that I just can't quit reading. I know the characters all act in ways they shouldn't and are doing illegal things and spend way more money than anyone should. However the writing is fast paced and you really get into the story. If you haven't read any of the books in this series before, you should probably start from the beginning as many past events get brought up a lot.

It was a nice change of pace to FINALLY see Tinsley and Jenny become friends. I was really getting tired of Tinsley acting stuck up and mean to Jenny for stupid little reasons. I was kind of sad that the four girls didn't get to hang out together but all of the stories was good. I really like Brett's adventures back home. That would have been a hoot to see. It's a nice change of pace to see her out of her element and defending her family even though she's been hating them all this time. I actually kind of hope Tinsley and Julian (I love that name) get back together. He seemed like the one person who makes her act human. I was rather disappointed by the Easy/Callie story. There could have been so much more to that and with all their history, it just rises up so dramatically and then falls flat.

My only real gripe is since Jenny returns back to NYC it would have been nice to see some cameos from the original Gossip Girl gang. I know they're in college but wouldn't they be home for break? It would have been fun to see Serena, Vanessa, Nate or Chuck just waltz by in the story and to have Tinsley meet with them and see some interaction. I would have loved to see the most popular girl at Waverly meet her match with the most popular girl at Constance Billard. But alas I don't think that'll ever happen. Also who is the girl on the cover supposed to be? I have not read anyone in the books that matches that description.

There's actually no sex in this book, which was a nice change of pace. There's the usual cursing but I think it was toned down. Drinking is present so if you're not a fan of that, just beware. It was a really quick read and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next with the foursome. Hopefully everyone will stay friends for at least one more book.... ( )
  mrsjason | Mar 7, 2009 |
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It was unnaturally quiet in the main reading room in Sawyer Library on the Wednesday afternoon before Thanksgiving.
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Young Adult Fiction. HTML:It's Thanksgiving break at exclusive Waverly Academy, and everybody's feeling thankful . . . for the long weekend. New BFFs Jenny Humphrey and Tinsley Carmichael are determined to snap their glum but still uberstylish roomie Callie Vernon out of her funk-it's been weeks since her boyfriend Easy Walsh was kicked out of school, and they're sick of her moping. The plan: head to NYC for some R & R! And some SS (serious shopping).

But the girls quickly discover that a quiet holiday is not in store for them. A cozy Thanksgiving dinner turns into a three-day party with a few of their classmates-and some irresistible mystery guests. Jenny meets Mr. Right but is determined not to fall in love for the fourth time this fall. Tinsley has her own holiday mission: to win back adorable freshman Julian McCafferty. And Callie is holding out for Easy . . . which is hard to do with a cute college boy following her around. Brett Messerschmidt is missing in action-forced to spend Thanksgiving in her family's tacky Jersey McMansion. But drama's on the menu at the dinner table. And maybe love too.

Forget turkey and stuffing. When you're an It Girl, a holiday is just another
excuse to break out the bubbly.

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