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You Just Can't Get Enough

door Cecily von Ziegesar

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2402116,098 (3.16)4
Young Adult Fiction. After a whirlwind first week on the Upper East Side, the Carlyles have made their mark on Manhattan's Golden Mile. Owen is new BFFs with Rhys Sterling, but what will happen when they both fall for the same girl? Baby stole resident it girl Jack Laurent's boyfriend...and then Avery stole Jack's popularity. Now Jack is on the warpath, and she wants nothing more than to send the Carlyle girls packing their Louis Vuitton trunks. Is the UES big enough for all their drama?… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for

The Carlyle triplets are back in the spotlight and shaking up Manhattan.

Baby's decided that Manhattan looks good right now, and that includes J.P. With that decision made, she has to worm her way back into the heart of Constance Billard. All she has to do is revive the school's art magazine. Will her bohemian ways match the artsy direction of the magazine and push her further away from the elite crowd?

Avery's busy with board meetings with ladies at least fifty years older than she is. The almost daily meetings consists of gossip and very little else. It's hard to imagine that Avery's almost friendless, but will the last remains for her reputation be shot now that the word is out that she's never had a boyfriend?

Owen's having his own love troubles. He's still hung up on Kelsey, but since Rhys adores her, he's trying to stay away from her. But sooner or later, they're going to have to confront their emotions.

The scandalous secrets flow from the new socialites and they'll do almost anything to stay on top. How far is too far?

This is one series that will grab your attention and not let go. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 13, 2009 |
How can something so wrong.... be so much fun! I was never interested in reading Gossip Girl, which is why I’ve never read the first series and I’ve never watched the television show. I’d actually like to watch the tv show, but for some reason my satellite doesn’t get that channel! Anyway... like I said I never had an interest to read the Gossip Girls series. I assumed they would be some pathetic pieces of trashy literature. Cat fights, drama, shallow people... why would I want to read about that? Uh... because it’s addicting and fun that’s why! I am addicted. I love the cat fight, the drama and the shallow people! It’s just like high school, but better because I don’t have to witness all that shit personally. I can turn it off when I want to. And really the writing isn’t trashy at all, the characters... maybe, but not the writing. Again like with Poseur all the trendy name dropping doesn’t do anything for me and really I don’t care what they are wearing. I just want to know who’s with whom and who’s pissed off about it. I like it steamy, I like it dirty. Yeah, I said I like it dirty. You know you love me, The Story Siren ( )
  the_story_siren | Jul 2, 2009 |
This book is horrible! Can I give it no stars? I had to read this for a young adult literature class, and I couldn't stand it. There is so much needless swearing, the characters are shallow and so self-involved. Ugh. Don't bother. I read the first Gossip Girl when I was in high school, and I liked it then, and from what little I remember about it, it was better than this one. But, I'm not sure if I would still the first one if I were to read it again. ( )
  scd87 | Apr 17, 2009 |
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Young Adult Fiction. After a whirlwind first week on the Upper East Side, the Carlyles have made their mark on Manhattan's Golden Mile. Owen is new BFFs with Rhys Sterling, but what will happen when they both fall for the same girl? Baby stole resident it girl Jack Laurent's boyfriend...and then Avery stole Jack's popularity. Now Jack is on the warpath, and she wants nothing more than to send the Carlyle girls packing their Louis Vuitton trunks. Is the UES big enough for all their drama?

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3 6
3.5 2
4 7
4.5 1
5 1

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