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Language, Society and Power: An Introduction

door Linda Thomas

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961291,914 (3.25)Geen
Language, Society and Power explores the extent to which language reflects and creates our perception of the world, and who makes decisions about what is appropriate language to use. Written in a lively and accessible way, each chapter provides a core introduction to a particular social or political issue in language study, such as ethnicity, gender, class, age, identity, the standard English debate, politics, and the media. The book contains numerous exercises, end of chapter summaries and a glossary of key terms. Language, Society and Power encourages the reader to look beyond the role of language as information exchange and to consider the wider issues of the relationship between language and culture. In this sense the book is highly interdisciplinary and will be essential for students of English language and linguistics from A-level upwards, and of great relevance to students of media, communication, and cultural studies, sociology and psychology.… (meer)
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This was quite informative and refreshing. I especially appreciated the further reading materials cited as the book doesn't delve deeper into each topic. It covers topics from the definition of language to its relation to ideology, politics, its use in the media, how it's used to vis-à-vis gender, age, social class...etc ( )
  meddz | Jun 11, 2021 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Linda Thomasprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Jones, JasonSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Peccei, Jean StilwellSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Singh, IshtlaSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Thornborrow, JoannaSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Wareing, ShânSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Language, Society and Power explores the extent to which language reflects and creates our perception of the world, and who makes decisions about what is appropriate language to use. Written in a lively and accessible way, each chapter provides a core introduction to a particular social or political issue in language study, such as ethnicity, gender, class, age, identity, the standard English debate, politics, and the media. The book contains numerous exercises, end of chapter summaries and a glossary of key terms. Language, Society and Power encourages the reader to look beyond the role of language as information exchange and to consider the wider issues of the relationship between language and culture. In this sense the book is highly interdisciplinary and will be essential for students of English language and linguistics from A-level upwards, and of great relevance to students of media, communication, and cultural studies, sociology and psychology.

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