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Patriotic Grace: What It Is and Why We Need It Now

door Peggy Noonan

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993283,502 (2.97)Geen
In this long season of searing political attacks and angry partisan passions, Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal column has been must reading for thoughtful liberals and conservatives alike. Now she issues an urgent, heartfelt call for all Americans to see each other anew, realize what time it is, and come together to support the next President--whoever he is. Because it is not the threats and challenges we face, but how we face them that defines us as a nation. The terrible events of 9/11 brought us together in a way not seen since World War II. But the stresses and divisions of the Bush years have driven us apart to a point that is unhealthy and destructive. Today, Noonan argues, the national mood is for a change in our politics and it is well past time for politicians to catch up. Americans are tired of the old partisan divisions and the campaign tricks that seek to widen and exploit them. We long for leaders who can summon us to greatness and unity, as they did in the long struggles against fascism and communism. In this timely little book, written in the pamphleteering tradition of Tom Paine's Common Sense, Noonan reminds us that we must face our common challenges together--not by rising above partisanship, but by reaffirming what it means to be American.… (meer)
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American politics ( )
  JackSweeney | Jan 9, 2017 |
Couldn't finish it. This one isn't as good as "What I Saw at the Revolution," which I recommend most highly. ( )
  horacewimsey | Dec 16, 2008 |
This is a different Peggy Noonan from the earlier author who wrote speeches for Ronald Reagan. Then she was inspirational and optimistic. Today she is pragmatic and bordering on pessimistic. I agree with her premise that we must all hold hands and help each other down the stairs, starting now, which will make it easier to do when it gets to the point at which we must. It's time to look beyond partisan politics and gotcha journalism and find our similarities. We must build on our commonalities, our love of America and our hopes for its future rather than drag our politics opponents through the mud.
She didn't quite say it, but I will: Barack Obama has the potential for being that sort of leader. He cannot do it alone. He'll need everyone to work together to heal our economy, restore our national reputation and resolve the very serious issues that will face us in our future.
He's got my vote and my prayers. ( )
  eejjennings | Oct 21, 2008 |
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In this long season of searing political attacks and angry partisan passions, Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal column has been must reading for thoughtful liberals and conservatives alike. Now she issues an urgent, heartfelt call for all Americans to see each other anew, realize what time it is, and come together to support the next President--whoever he is. Because it is not the threats and challenges we face, but how we face them that defines us as a nation. The terrible events of 9/11 brought us together in a way not seen since World War II. But the stresses and divisions of the Bush years have driven us apart to a point that is unhealthy and destructive. Today, Noonan argues, the national mood is for a change in our politics and it is well past time for politicians to catch up. Americans are tired of the old partisan divisions and the campaign tricks that seek to widen and exploit them. We long for leaders who can summon us to greatness and unity, as they did in the long struggles against fascism and communism. In this timely little book, written in the pamphleteering tradition of Tom Paine's Common Sense, Noonan reminds us that we must face our common challenges together--not by rising above partisanship, but by reaffirming what it means to be American.

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