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Return to Labyrinth Volume 3 (v. 3)

door Jake T. Forbes

Reeksen: Return to Labyrinth (3)

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1636173,391 (3.77)3
"For Toby, as it is for all who enter the Labyrinth, the way forward is sometimes the way back-- Through danger untold and hardships unnumbered, Toby has finally arrived at the day of his coronation. But he is still unable to control the Labyrinth, treachery and deceit surround him, and worse yet-- it's become clear that some of his soon-to-be subjects are less than happy about his recent appointment. Toby will have to keep his wits about him and his friends by his side if he's going to survive his first day as king!" -- from p. [4] of cover.… (meer)
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In the early 2000's, Tokyo Pop published a 4-part Return to Labyrinth manga series. I love the 1986 movie, so I was so happy when someone gave me the first 3 volumes in the series several years ago. The only downside was that I didn't have the final volume. Turns out the last book in this series is a bit hard to find, and often ridiculously expensive. This year I have challenged myself to read more books that I want to read, nostalgia reads that I enjoyed in the past and more books from my own bookshelves. As I looked over my bookshelves, I saw this unfinished series on my keeper shelf. It was time to acquire a copy of the missing 4th book so I could finally discover the ending to this revisit to The Labyrinth. I have ordered a copy of the 4th volume of this series. In preparation for its arrival, I'm re-reading the first 3 volumes. I have my fingers crossed that the final book arrives in readable condition!

This series is American style manga, rather than the Japanese style that reads from right to left. I'm ok with that. It's based on an American movie, and mixes typical manga style art characters with more muppet-style characters from the movie. I like the storyline as well. Toby (the baby from the original movie) has returned to the Labyrinth. Goblin King Jareth has named him his heir and promptly disappears. Strange things are discovered about a girl, Moppet, who lives in the Goblin City, revealing Jareth has told some whopping lies. He has also entered into an agreement with Queen Mizumi. If he doesn't fulfill his part of the bargain within 13 years, the kingdom belongs to the queen. There is only a week left.....and Jareth still hasn't' succeeded. Although the exact nature of his agreement isn't revealed, he does travel to see Sarah, who has no memory of him. It turns out that Sarah and Moppets fates are intertwined and Toby will face a hard decision to save one or the other. Volume 3 reveals secrets about the queen's daughters. Toby is betrayed and Sarah is about to walk into Jareth's trap.

Volume 3 is a great build-up to the final book in this series! I've had these books on my shelf for four years now, never knowing the ending! I had a great time re-reading these books. I am a huge fan of Labyrinth (really, anything Jim Henson ever created) and have a spot on my keeper shelf for these books and the more romantic duology written by S. Jae Jones.

The cover art for Volume 3 is again by Kouyu Shurei and features Queen Mizumi's two daughters, Drumlin and Moulin.

I can't wait for Volume 4 to arrive!! I am SO ready to find out how this story ends! ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
So far this has been my least favorite in the series but that will in no way deter me from finishing the whole thing. I don't think I liked this one as much because Jareth is portrayed as such a jerk. He's just a misunderstood romantic! In this volume, Toby has his coronation and we discover the secrets behind the mystery "goblin" girl. Slower paced than the first two, it took me longer to get into. Can't wait to see how everything turns out in the final volume! ( )
  ecataldi | May 7, 2016 |
We've learned how Moppet is who she is. It's pretty interesting. Because it's also how Mizumi's daughters came to be. That was definitely not something that I thought of. The series keeps getting better the more I read it. Love it. ( )
  ToxicMasquerade | Jan 10, 2013 |
This was an okay installment in the series. I read the first two, and intend on finishing the series. The storyline strays from the movie, and brings in elements never touched in the movie. ( )
  Anagarika-Sean | Sep 25, 2010 |
This was an okay installment in the series. I read the first two, and intend on finishing the series. The storyline strays from the movie, and brings in elements never touched in the movie. ( )
  Anagarika | Oct 30, 2009 |
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"For Toby, as it is for all who enter the Labyrinth, the way forward is sometimes the way back-- Through danger untold and hardships unnumbered, Toby has finally arrived at the day of his coronation. But he is still unable to control the Labyrinth, treachery and deceit surround him, and worse yet-- it's become clear that some of his soon-to-be subjects are less than happy about his recent appointment. Toby will have to keep his wits about him and his friends by his side if he's going to survive his first day as king!" -- from p. [4] of cover.

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