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Cruise Confidential: A Hit Below the Waterline: Where the Crew Lives, Eats, Wars, and Parties. One Crazy Year Working on Cruise Ships (Travelers' Tales) (2008)

door B.D. Bruns

Reeksen: Cruise Confidential (1)

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1227231,649 (3.27)1
In Cruise Confidential, Brian David Bruns spills the dirt - or in this case, the dirty water - on those romantic, fun-filled vacations at sea. His hilarious chronicle of the year he spent working for Carnival Cruise Lines takes readers down into the areas where the crew works and lives, leaving readers gasping with laughter as they're assaulted nonstop with events that range from the absurd to the utterly bizarre. Stewards fighting over food. Cutlery allowances and other nonsensical rules. What the crew calls those onboard (no, it's not 'passengers'). And of course, the sex. An abundance of ready, willing, and able bodies eager for action on a vessel replete with nooks and crannies leads to love in some mighty strange, and seemingly impossible, places. Breezy, entertaining, and informative, Cruise Confidential is essential reading for those planning a cruise or for anyone who just needs a good laugh.… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
For a last-minute Kindle read, this filled the bill. Author is not a particularly good writer (often used the wrong word and was unnecessarily obtuse) but he does have a remarkable story. For anyone who's ever cruised or river-cruised or been part of some group expedition, this is a window into the crazy, wild world of the servants, er, service people who make it possible. Lots o' sex and alcohol and crazy long working hours = all part of the ship life. Little wonder, Bruns is the first American to ever work on a major cruise ship (Carnival) as a waiter. Most of his colleagues are Asian (Indian, Phillipino) or Eastern European (Romanian). ( )
  mjspear | Jun 17, 2024 |
Kind of amusing tales of living the life of a cruise ship worker. Makes me never want to go on a cruise. Ever. ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
Entertaining in parts. Opened my eyes to crew working conditions, hierarchies, etc. A bit self serving and whiny sometimes but maybe that's because I am so much older. Life is so unfair. Yet I could never endure what these people endure and smile at rude passengers for so little money. My last cruise i made sure to tip not only over and above but also other people I don't normally think to tip. ( )
  BarbaraS2016 | Jul 26, 2018 |
I have never been on a cruise ship, but I have worked with ESL folks from many different cultures, so I regard this narrative as less reality than wishful thinking. That being said, by regarding it as a fanciful tale full of ego and testosterone, I enjoyed it and laughed myself silly! I mean, come on, he is the best at everything? And everyone is constantly bedhopping? Really, he is NOT James Bond! And no one ever gets mal de mer or Traveller's Revenge? But if you take it as humor, it is hard not to enjoy it. Even if only 10% is based in reality, it is still a smudged window into a workplace that many of us never are aware of.
Maybe I just enjoyed it more because it was performed with such agility by Gary Furlong who made it even more fun.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Apr 22, 2016 |
I enjoyed reading this book. It is written in a very relaxed, humorous and friendly way. Quick read (8 hours). It was an entertaining read. A well written eye-opener to how hard the staff really works, and makes you remember there really is a "dark side" in every industry. ( )
1 stem motherwright | Jan 13, 2012 |
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In Cruise Confidential, Brian David Bruns spills the dirt - or in this case, the dirty water - on those romantic, fun-filled vacations at sea. His hilarious chronicle of the year he spent working for Carnival Cruise Lines takes readers down into the areas where the crew works and lives, leaving readers gasping with laughter as they're assaulted nonstop with events that range from the absurd to the utterly bizarre. Stewards fighting over food. Cutlery allowances and other nonsensical rules. What the crew calls those onboard (no, it's not 'passengers'). And of course, the sex. An abundance of ready, willing, and able bodies eager for action on a vessel replete with nooks and crannies leads to love in some mighty strange, and seemingly impossible, places. Breezy, entertaining, and informative, Cruise Confidential is essential reading for those planning a cruise or for anyone who just needs a good laugh.

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B.D. Bruns is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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4 4
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5 3


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